met up lover @ bugis, 6.30pm.
[he isnt my lover. his ingame name is. make this clear b4 his gf chop me xD]
he asked me along to help choose VDay gift for his gal.
i can 'shun bian' see what i can get for myself tho.
[pok called me when i juz left home. a last min plan. farewell dinner for Kwek before he flies to Germany tomoro. as i was heading down to meet lover at bugis. they changed their planned venue to bugis too.]
walked around @ Bugis Street.
didnt buy anything. headed back to bugis junction.
theres lotza nice nice sweet sweet & blinky wallets @ The Wallet Shop o...
if i were to buy, oso dunno which one to choose. xD
besides that, my current wallet is still in 'good' condition ba.
been using it since i was in secondary skool. sort of.... cant bear to change.
unless itz spoiled... den..... bo bian lo lol.
after wandering around.
lover finally got his stuffs @ The Newbie Shop.
i realised the shirts there are quite cute.
the jacket with hood looks so hip hop wor....
hmmm. i alwaez window shop o.
unless i am in need of that something.
after his mission was accomplished.
i bought my favourite Takoyaki.
den we chilled out at Starbucks. with my favourite drink too.

thankx lover. for the drink.
8+pm. pok. ver. & kwek arrived.
time for dinner!
toopid me. didnt take note of the restaurant name. =.=
itz somewhere at the Basement nah. xP
lover ate this.
the side dishes they ordered.
kwek & pok ate this fried rice. spicy de.
kwek. lover. ver. pok.

woOt~ i realised today we all wore black except pok pok.
=.= founder of Sll. gonna be outstanding. xDD....... =x
i didnt eat. drank this Magic QQ Milk Tea nia.
earlier on i drank that cup of Starbucks Choco Cream Chip, full liao.
i recorded this short clip.
wanted to record Kwek's farewell speech de. but he pai seh. =.=
[he isnt my lover. his ingame name is. make this clear b4 his gf chop me xD]
he asked me along to help choose VDay gift for his gal.
i can 'shun bian' see what i can get for myself tho.
[pok called me when i juz left home. a last min plan. farewell dinner for Kwek before he flies to Germany tomoro. as i was heading down to meet lover at bugis. they changed their planned venue to bugis too.]
walked around @ Bugis Street.
didnt buy anything. headed back to bugis junction.
theres lotza nice nice sweet sweet & blinky wallets @ The Wallet Shop o...
if i were to buy, oso dunno which one to choose. xD
besides that, my current wallet is still in 'good' condition ba.
been using it since i was in secondary skool. sort of.... cant bear to change.
unless itz spoiled... den..... bo bian lo lol.
after wandering around.
lover finally got his stuffs @ The Newbie Shop.
i realised the shirts there are quite cute.
the jacket with hood looks so hip hop wor....
hmmm. i alwaez window shop o.
unless i am in need of that something.
after his mission was accomplished.
i bought my favourite Takoyaki.
den we chilled out at Starbucks. with my favourite drink too.

thankx lover. for the drink.
8+pm. pok. ver. & kwek arrived.
time for dinner!
toopid me. didnt take note of the restaurant name. =.=
itz somewhere at the Basement nah. xP

kwek. lover. ver. pok.

woOt~ i realised today we all wore black except pok pok.
=.= founder of Sll. gonna be outstanding. xDD....... =x

earlier on i drank that cup of Starbucks Choco Cream Chip, full liao.
i recorded this short clip.
wanted to record Kwek's farewell speech de. but he pai seh. =.=