received a call from my sis-in-law this afternoon @ 3pm.
she won the tickets to the movie, L Change The World.
showing at 7pm, Marina Square.
den she jio-ed me go. sweeee~
by the time i reached there, just nice o. On time.
bought popcorns, drinks, cheesy hotdog. hmmmmm yum.
the winning tickets come with these....
& she gave 'em to me o.
the show. nice.
This time it focuses more on L. his character. etc.
and the Death Note book was only used once.
the other Death Note character, Near, a genius small boy,
appears in this chapter o......
appears in this chapter o......
so cute la L .....
in this movie he also tried to straighten his back & walk... so funny.
he spoke english too~
the gothic & intelligent L.
when we were about to leave our seats, i spotted this....

left on the seat in fronda mine.
waiting for wat?! GRAB liao. xDD
[luckily i din buy the popcorn package that comes with this. hEex]
hmm... my Death Note book (bought in year 2006), haben use leh. LOL~
whose name shall i start with.....?
aniwae. those blog visitors of mine......
kindly view my blog using Internet Explorer.
if u view it using Mozilla Firefox, my blog's left column will look messy.
i myself dunno what went wrong.
perhaps itz something got to do with the scripts or wat.