i found this [below] on a tree just outside my site office. romantic.
majiam those 'couple promise' in dramas. lol!

and this! i was playing games in da computer when my koko took out 'BLACK double-sided tape', cut out a circle, n stick it on my right cheek. -_-" making it looked like my big moley! hmphx. [and after i finished my game, i almost forgot about my 'big mole' and wanna walked out of the office like this nor! den koko giggled. i den realised. keke.]

and this. my current nails.
~*Escape Theme Park!!*~
yeaH~ my another wish cleared from wishlist. kekeke.
went to work this morning. 9am-11.30am.
koko den drove me to Pasir Ris, White Sands.
met up zai and min there. soon, caige came. and later, claire arrived.
waited for aaron til 1pm. he was an hour late hor! hmphx. keke.
we walked to Escape Theme Park. so excited lol.
we got this cute small Funkey card.
photo taken when we just entered the theme park! "our @sses". lol
from left: me. claire. caige. zai. aaron. min.
ala! aaron with nice pose, looking at pretty girls.
i lOvE theSe piCz [photoshop edited]!!!!

our 1st ride. The Inverter.

are you ready for da ride?! oooooo....
360º ride man..... thrilling.
see claire's thigh, turned red bcoz of da safety thingy [i dunno wat u call that]

next. the Pirate ship.

da ride which looks the most relaxing one turns out to be worse than Inverter!!
we queueing for the Pirate ship.
getting ready...............
waahhhhhhhh!!!!!! aRrrhhhhhh!!!!! lol

lol. can feel the happiness from our laughter & screamingz. keke
now. the Go Kart (advanced).

yea i took photoz while driving. hee.
hmm. aaron took the rides til scared. cried. lOlx!
and whatz this ride's name? i didnt notice o.

we "O-ya-bei-ya-som" to choose partners.
zai & min. me & aaron. caige & claire.
[too bad caige & claire's seats was assigned somewhere else.]
oh yea! Haunted House. i 'love' it. but am so scared of it. lol....

i thought that there will be people/staffs acting like ghosts/zombies to scare us thatz why i dont dare to see here n there especially it was so dark in there. i kept hiding behind caige. lol! and that toopid aaron frightened me instead. @_@,
herez the Kite Flyer. we flew like supermen. lol.

5pm. hungry!! makan time.
we went to Downtown East for lunch at Sakae Sushi.

ate til beri full o....
6+pm. we returned to Escape, went for Go Kart rides again.
we played til 7+pm.
went for another round of Pirate ship ride. pHew~
lastly, we headed for Wet & Wild. i love this ride.
[this pic was taken in daytime].
we played it at night. and was so dark.
[i tried my best to brighten these pics le. i deleted a few bcoz were too dark, n after i tried to brighten them, still couldnt see our faces, making us look like ghosts nor. so scary. lol].
caige & me.
zai & min.
aaron & claire.
da ones who didnt played Wet & Wild as they dun wanna get wet. hmphx.
we wanna play one more round but it was closing @ 8pm. sobx.
we got out of the carriage, so.. so... very WET!
and this claire was so glad that she's DRY! lol
[open this pic in new window, notice min's & my face expressions. funny la!]
lol caige 'ke lian' nah, he shouldnt be so wet.
it was me. i splashed water at him. :P
hmphx. my nausea level is damn weak nah.
but i was strong enough today o. i didnt threw up. ^-^
me & min got changed. we walked to White Sands. wanna chill there.
cute round seats with table in da centre. but i dunno the shop name. :x
Iced Milk Tea. & 'Yuan Yang' Almond Paste?
9pm. we chit chat. 9+pm. koko joined our 'meeting session'.
we laughed alot. know more about one another.
we chatted til 11pm. meeting dismissed. [lol].
koko gave caige a ride home and we headed home o. got home 11.40pm.
on our way to White Sands after our Escape Fun, zai's idea, askin them all to surround me and den shouted "ARE YOU HAPPY TODAY?!?!". lol. ala. so pai seh. hmm.. make me feel that you guys agreed to go to Escape to play is bcoz of me and my 'wishlist' nah. lol. serious. like for Zoo outing, steamboats, etc. itz for my wishlist. in da first place i didnt expect u people to really 'entertain' my wishes, but u guyz seemed so sincere in fulfilling my 'wishes'. sobx! so touched! hEex. and even my [new] colleague said that u people really 'dote on' me nor. i love u all much much. lol. toot u hor. dun find this mushy. hmphx! just bloggin out how im feeling. keke. and i realise that u all have known me well for my 'snapping habit' le. would ask me "eh rain u wanna take photo [pointing at the dishes]? or would automatically arrange drinks or dishes properly for me to snap photo without me sayin liao nor. ahakx! thanx for bringing so much happy memories. ^-^
last but not least. bonus "premium" photo. oOpz.
we wore the same color t-shirts coincidently.
now itz 2.30am. im turning in.
c u guyz n babes around sOon yo!! *huGgiex*
majiam those 'couple promise' in dramas. lol!

and this! i was playing games in da computer when my koko took out 'BLACK double-sided tape', cut out a circle, n stick it on my right cheek. -_-" making it looked like my big moley! hmphx. [and after i finished my game, i almost forgot about my 'big mole' and wanna walked out of the office like this nor! den koko giggled. i den realised. keke.]

~*Escape Theme Park!!*~
yeaH~ my another wish cleared from wishlist. kekeke.
went to work this morning. 9am-11.30am.
koko den drove me to Pasir Ris, White Sands.
met up zai and min there. soon, caige came. and later, claire arrived.
waited for aaron til 1pm. he was an hour late hor! hmphx. keke.
we walked to Escape Theme Park. so excited lol.
photo taken when we just entered the theme park! "our @sses". lol
i lOvE theSe piCz [photoshop edited]!!!!

our 1st ride. The Inverter.
360º ride man..... thrilling.
see claire's thigh, turned red bcoz of da safety thingy [i dunno wat u call that]

next. the Pirate ship.
da ride which looks the most relaxing one turns out to be worse than Inverter!!
waahhhhhhhh!!!!!! aRrrhhhhhh!!!!! lol
lol. can feel the happiness from our laughter & screamingz. keke
now. the Go Kart (advanced).
yea i took photoz while driving. hee.

and whatz this ride's name? i didnt notice o.
we "O-ya-bei-ya-som" to choose partners.
zai & min. me & aaron. caige & claire.
[too bad caige & claire's seats was assigned somewhere else.]
oh yea! Haunted House. i 'love' it. but am so scared of it. lol....
i thought that there will be people/staffs acting like ghosts/zombies to scare us thatz why i dont dare to see here n there especially it was so dark in there. i kept hiding behind caige. lol! and that toopid aaron frightened me instead. @_@,
herez the Kite Flyer. we flew like supermen. lol.
5pm. hungry!! makan time.
we went to Downtown East for lunch at Sakae Sushi.
ate til beri full o....
6+pm. we returned to Escape, went for Go Kart rides again.
went for another round of Pirate ship ride. pHew~
lastly, we headed for Wet & Wild. i love this ride.
we played it at night. and was so dark.
[i tried my best to brighten these pics le. i deleted a few bcoz were too dark, n after i tried to brighten them, still couldnt see our faces, making us look like ghosts nor. so scary. lol].
da ones who didnt played Wet & Wild as they dun wanna get wet. hmphx.
we wanna play one more round but it was closing @ 8pm. sobx.
[open this pic in new window, notice min's & my face expressions. funny la!]
lol caige 'ke lian' nah, he shouldnt be so wet.
it was me. i splashed water at him. :P
hmphx. my nausea level is damn weak nah.
but i was strong enough today o. i didnt threw up. ^-^
me & min got changed. we walked to White Sands. wanna chill there.
cute round seats with table in da centre. but i dunno the shop name. :x
9pm. we chit chat. 9+pm. koko joined our 'meeting session'.
we laughed alot. know more about one another.
we chatted til 11pm. meeting dismissed. [lol].
koko gave caige a ride home and we headed home o. got home 11.40pm.
on our way to White Sands after our Escape Fun, zai's idea, askin them all to surround me and den shouted "ARE YOU HAPPY TODAY?!?!". lol. ala. so pai seh. hmm.. make me feel that you guys agreed to go to Escape to play is bcoz of me and my 'wishlist' nah. lol. serious. like for Zoo outing, steamboats, etc. itz for my wishlist. in da first place i didnt expect u people to really 'entertain' my wishes, but u guyz seemed so sincere in fulfilling my 'wishes'. sobx! so touched! hEex. and even my [new] colleague said that u people really 'dote on' me nor. i love u all much much. lol. toot u hor. dun find this mushy. hmphx! just bloggin out how im feeling. keke. and i realise that u all have known me well for my 'snapping habit' le. would ask me "eh rain u wanna take photo [pointing at the dishes]? or would automatically arrange drinks or dishes properly for me to snap photo without me sayin liao nor. ahakx! thanx for bringing so much happy memories. ^-^
last but not least. bonus "premium" photo. oOpz.
now itz 2.30am. im turning in.
c u guyz n babes around sOon yo!! *huGgiex*