i didnt have much things to blog about.
now i have. alot to say.
i was in my site office. when my koko returned, he told me he saw today's Newpaper with WWE superstar, Chris Benoit, on the cover page. unfortunately, he didnt buy it. i quickly walked to Hougang Green, 7-Eleven, to grab one. and on my way back i was reading about Chris Benoit's case. [i just cant wait]. on top it says..... "DEATH OF A WORLD CHAMPION WRESTLER".
damn i'm so sad!!!! i feel so sad for him. how come so sudden.
when i got back to my site office, i logged on to WWE.com
on the home page i see his photo. sad. n herez the news.
"On Saturday, June 23, Chris Benoit was slated to appear at a WWE live event in Beaumont, Texas. That afternoon, Benoit contacted WWE to inform them that his wife and child were ill, and that he would not be able to attend the show.
WWE executives rebooked Benoit’s flight for the following morning, allowing Benoit to miss the Beaumont event making alternate arrangements for him to attend the pay-per-view event in Houston on Sunday.
WWE employees attempted to confirm with Benoit his travel plans but were unable to contact him.
Early Sunday morning, between 3:51 and 3:58 a.m., Benoit sent five text messages to co-workers:
Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open”
Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215"
Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Throughout the day on Sunday, WWE made numerous attempts to contact Benoit both at home and at local hospitals in the Atlanta area. As of 11 p.m., WWE officials were unable to establish contact with Chris Benoit.
At 12:30 p.m. on Monday, June 25, WWE officials were notified of the text messages sent to the co-workers the previous day. By 12:45 p.m., WWE had contacted Fayette County Sheriff’s office requesting they check on the Benoit family.
Fayette County Sheriff's office made contact with WWE at approximately 4 p.m. advising that they had entered the house of Chris Benoit and found three deceased bodies – an adult male, adult female and a male child. WWE was told that Benoit’s home was now considered a major crime scene.
The decision to cancel the live event scheduled in Corpus Christi that night was made between 4 and 5 p.m. In keeping with company policy, and with limited knowledge regarding facts of the case, WWE choose to air a memorial dedicated to the career of Chris Benoit. As facts emerged surrounding the case, all tributes to Chris Benoit were removed both on-air and on WWE.com."======
i searched for his profile in Wikipedia.com
herez the article.
"..................... Detective Bo Turner of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department told television station WAGA-TV that the case was being treated as a murder-suicide. The station reported that investigators believe that Benoit murdered his wife and son over the weekend and committed suicide sometime on Monday.
During a press conference Tuesday, June 26, Fayette County district attorney Scott Ballard confirmed that Chris Benoit had murdered his wife and son. His wife was bound at the wrists and feet, while there were no signs of restraint on his son, both died of asphyxiation. It is reported that his wife died on Friday, his son died on Saturday, and Benoit killed himself later Saturday evening or early Sunday morning. Benoit's body was found dead of asphyxiation hanging by the cord of a weight machine in his basement. It was also reported that there was a Bible by both Nancy and Daniel's bodies. "
haiz so sad.
"Benoit became good friends with Eddie Guerrero following a match in Japan, when he utilized an Enzuigiri kick, and knocked him out cold, starting a friendship that lasted until Eddie's death. In the years that followed, Benoit started using the multiple vertical suplex maneuver known as the Three Amigos as a tribute to his friend." - wikipedia
his best friend Eddie Guerrero passed away on 13, November 2005.
and now Chris Benoit's life has ended too.
itz sad. that one by one. lives are being taken away. who will be next?
some tributes i found in Youtube.com
Edge broke down regarding Benoit's death. again. i cried.
and Vince McMahon whose supposed to be presumed dead as part of the WWE storyline, came out to have a speech on Benoit's death. isnt that silly? now that their scheduled storyline has been changed.
News: Chris Benoit News Report
official chris benoit tribute video to his death.
saddie. and i realised how handsome he is when he was young. hmphx.
he is a wholesome family man. a talented wrestler. and he will alwayz be..
events scheduled for him has been cancelled. but the WWE Smackdown Summerslam Tour in Singapore on 28 July 2007 will go ahead as planned.
Chris Benoit has been scheduled to appear in the WWE Roadshow at Bugis Junction on 6 July to promote the show. but now........ he is not coming. he can never come to Singapore again. how i wished i could see him next friday. >_<, now itz over!!!!!
i am thinking. what if one day my life ended.
no longer in this world. whatz gonna happen?
will anyone create a tribute for me too? [lol i dun think so].
and how my funeral will be done?
oh yea. can do me a favor?
if i were to die, please play the songs "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor, "My Heart will Go On" by Celine Dion, "Here Without You" by Three Doors Down, etc, at my funeral wake.
[no kidding] Thank you.

R.I.P Chris. you will be missed deeply. loved.
now i have. alot to say.
i was in my site office. when my koko returned, he told me he saw today's Newpaper with WWE superstar, Chris Benoit, on the cover page. unfortunately, he didnt buy it. i quickly walked to Hougang Green, 7-Eleven, to grab one. and on my way back i was reading about Chris Benoit's case. [i just cant wait]. on top it says..... "DEATH OF A WORLD CHAMPION WRESTLER".
damn i'm so sad!!!! i feel so sad for him. how come so sudden.
when i got back to my site office, i logged on to WWE.com
on the home page i see his photo. sad. n herez the news.
"On Saturday, June 23, Chris Benoit was slated to appear at a WWE live event in Beaumont, Texas. That afternoon, Benoit contacted WWE to inform them that his wife and child were ill, and that he would not be able to attend the show.
WWE executives rebooked Benoit’s flight for the following morning, allowing Benoit to miss the Beaumont event making alternate arrangements for him to attend the pay-per-view event in Houston on Sunday.
WWE employees attempted to confirm with Benoit his travel plans but were unable to contact him.
Early Sunday morning, between 3:51 and 3:58 a.m., Benoit sent five text messages to co-workers:
Text Message 1 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Text Message 2 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:53 a.m.) - Chris Benoit’s cell phone
“The dogs are in the enclosed pool area. Garage side door is open”
Text Message 3 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:54 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Text Message 4 to two co-workers (sent 6/24 at 3:55 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane.
Fayetteville Georgia. 30215"
Text Message 5 to one co-worker (sent 6/24 at 3:58 a.m.) - Nancy Benoit’s cell phone
“My address is 130 Green Meadow Lane. Fayetteville Georgia. 30215”
Throughout the day on Sunday, WWE made numerous attempts to contact Benoit both at home and at local hospitals in the Atlanta area. As of 11 p.m., WWE officials were unable to establish contact with Chris Benoit.
At 12:30 p.m. on Monday, June 25, WWE officials were notified of the text messages sent to the co-workers the previous day. By 12:45 p.m., WWE had contacted Fayette County Sheriff’s office requesting they check on the Benoit family.
Fayette County Sheriff's office made contact with WWE at approximately 4 p.m. advising that they had entered the house of Chris Benoit and found three deceased bodies – an adult male, adult female and a male child. WWE was told that Benoit’s home was now considered a major crime scene.
The decision to cancel the live event scheduled in Corpus Christi that night was made between 4 and 5 p.m. In keeping with company policy, and with limited knowledge regarding facts of the case, WWE choose to air a memorial dedicated to the career of Chris Benoit. As facts emerged surrounding the case, all tributes to Chris Benoit were removed both on-air and on WWE.com."======
i searched for his profile in Wikipedia.com
herez the article.
"..................... Detective Bo Turner of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department told television station WAGA-TV that the case was being treated as a murder-suicide. The station reported that investigators believe that Benoit murdered his wife and son over the weekend and committed suicide sometime on Monday.
During a press conference Tuesday, June 26, Fayette County district attorney Scott Ballard confirmed that Chris Benoit had murdered his wife and son. His wife was bound at the wrists and feet, while there were no signs of restraint on his son, both died of asphyxiation. It is reported that his wife died on Friday, his son died on Saturday, and Benoit killed himself later Saturday evening or early Sunday morning. Benoit's body was found dead of asphyxiation hanging by the cord of a weight machine in his basement. It was also reported that there was a Bible by both Nancy and Daniel's bodies. "
haiz so sad.
"Benoit became good friends with Eddie Guerrero following a match in Japan, when he utilized an Enzuigiri kick, and knocked him out cold, starting a friendship that lasted until Eddie's death. In the years that followed, Benoit started using the multiple vertical suplex maneuver known as the Three Amigos as a tribute to his friend." - wikipedia
his best friend Eddie Guerrero passed away on 13, November 2005.
and now Chris Benoit's life has ended too.
itz sad. that one by one. lives are being taken away. who will be next?
some tributes i found in Youtube.com
Edge broke down regarding Benoit's death. again. i cried.
and Vince McMahon whose supposed to be presumed dead as part of the WWE storyline, came out to have a speech on Benoit's death. isnt that silly? now that their scheduled storyline has been changed.
News: Chris Benoit News Report
official chris benoit tribute video to his death.
saddie. and i realised how handsome he is when he was young. hmphx.
he is a wholesome family man. a talented wrestler. and he will alwayz be..
events scheduled for him has been cancelled. but the WWE Smackdown Summerslam Tour in Singapore on 28 July 2007 will go ahead as planned.
Chris Benoit has been scheduled to appear in the WWE Roadshow at Bugis Junction on 6 July to promote the show. but now........ he is not coming. he can never come to Singapore again. how i wished i could see him next friday. >_<, now itz over!!!!!
i am thinking. what if one day my life ended.
no longer in this world. whatz gonna happen?
will anyone create a tribute for me too? [lol i dun think so].
and how my funeral will be done?
oh yea. can do me a favor?
if i were to die, please play the songs "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor, "My Heart will Go On" by Celine Dion, "Here Without You" by Three Doors Down, etc, at my funeral wake.
[no kidding] Thank you.

R.I.P Chris. you will be missed deeply. loved.