worked in da morning.
left work with koko at about 5.15pm.
got home. showered. dolled up.
left home at 7.40pm. koko drove me to town.
arrived in town at 8.10pm.
headed to KTV PartyWorld @ Crown Prince.
everybody's there.
da birthday guy, Bob. and.............
bao. his gf, gillian. joanna. zai. caige. min. QQ. claire. aaron.
[wah... lao da bao's gal finally join our outing o. keke]
sweet sweet.....
itz WE. in da VIP room.
aaron. posed like a rapper seh. lol
joanna. da 'ella-wannabe'.
koko. rain. min. QQ. caige.
me on da phone.
claire & aaron.
singing duet ooo....
wth is aaron doin. eating his hand?! XD
rain rain [with her fake smile] & min min.
me & aaron were playing 海带 game. i like these pics. so candid. lol.

da slackerz. who werent singing.
could see how bored they were. =]
koko finally get to sing after 2 hours of waiting. ke lian
zai went out. n came bac with this NYDC Tiramisu cake!!
quite nice o....... ^-^
Bob the birthday guy with da cake.

i somehow captured this pic of aaron.
funny! he was playing with da musical instrument while selecting songs. hEex
and this caige!!! wan take pic wit him he purposely act blur. duhx.....
and he find it cool. -.-

the juanz. =)
ala! claire was being attacked. lol. kena bullied.
claire wit da instrument.
zai & aaron. cool picz!

joanna & bob.
bob kena whacked by aaron. lOlx!!!
yea. birthday guy & rain.
here. spot da difference!!! [1 spot only]

found it? yea. joanna left b4 da group photo. so i added her in. ^-^
min captured me. sang standing on da sofa. keke.

and.... who say Rain dun hav temper?!?!
was i really fierce? i would like to apologise. or do u admire da way i yelled. XD
Insanerz. no worriez. rain wont bear to shout at u peepz'.
lol. u know i know.
oh man! why is bob with that cocky smile?!
lol koko so cool. i like his dressing style tonite. ^-^
zai min n tara snappin'.

caige in deep thoughtz o...
da very last photoz of da nite.
we sang til 11.30pm.
bob paid for da bill. no room charges as he used his '4 hours free voucher'.
so charges on drinks, etc.
got home 12mn.
hmphx. KTV really doesnt suit Da Insanerz. coz almost half dont sing. unfair.
and for those who didnt sing, u guyz damn bored ba. lol.
nvm. at least we get to see Insanerz.
alrite. itz 3am now. im so sleepy. tomoro im working.
hope to see u guyz soon for more exciting outingz yo.
missed. loved. *huggiex*
left work with koko at about 5.15pm.
got home. showered. dolled up.
left home at 7.40pm. koko drove me to town.
arrived in town at 8.10pm.
headed to KTV PartyWorld @ Crown Prince.
everybody's there.
da birthday guy, Bob. and.............
bao. his gf, gillian. joanna. zai. caige. min. QQ. claire. aaron.
[wah... lao da bao's gal finally join our outing o. keke]
claire & aaron.
me & aaron were playing 海带 game. i like these pics. so candid. lol.
da slackerz. who werent singing.
zai went out. n came bac with this NYDC Tiramisu cake!!
Bob the birthday guy with da cake.
funny! he was playing with da musical instrument while selecting songs. hEex
and this caige!!! wan take pic wit him he purposely act blur. duhx.....
and he find it cool. -.-
zai & aaron. cool picz!
here. spot da difference!!! [1 spot only]

found it? yea. joanna left b4 da group photo. so i added her in. ^-^
min captured me. sang standing on da sofa. keke.
and.... who say Rain dun hav temper?!?!
was i really fierce? i would like to apologise. or do u admire da way i yelled. XD
Insanerz. no worriez. rain wont bear to shout at u peepz'.
lol. u know i know.
zai min n tara snappin'.
we sang til 11.30pm.
bob paid for da bill. no room charges as he used his '4 hours free voucher'.
so charges on drinks, etc.
got home 12mn.
hmphx. KTV really doesnt suit Da Insanerz. coz almost half dont sing. unfair.
and for those who didnt sing, u guyz damn bored ba. lol.
nvm. at least we get to see Insanerz.
alrite. itz 3am now. im so sleepy. tomoro im working.
hope to see u guyz soon for more exciting outingz yo.
missed. loved. *huggiex*