05 June 07
Almond & Chocolate chip cookiez i made.

lookz yummy?
06 June 07
excused from work by dad today.
so that i hav the time to shop for clothes and doll up myself lol.
spent about S$60 to buy some nice clothes hEex.
i was reaching town at 9pm.
so i called caige to find out where they were having dinner.
reached Le Meridien Basement Food Mall. so happi to see them again!
min. zai. caige. aaron. ber. were there.
i brought my cookiez there for them to try.
my 爱心饼干 [cookiez with love] hEex!
yUmmy ma? lol
at abt 9.15pm we took cabby down to Zouk at Zion/Havelock road.
my 1st time there o...
da guyz bought their Phuture tickets. we girls got our luminous stamp.
walked to blk 92 coffee shop. saw those temple's uncle [daddy's friends].
[the temple i used to hang out with parents lol].
aaron opened 3 bottles of Heneiken. we played games. "who is the pig" keke
bobby joined us at the coffeeshop. he gulped down 2 cups of Hen. bad boi. lol!
after we finished those beer, we headed back to Zouk.
out of nowhere i captured this. lOlx! caige........... XD
we met up sophia & QQ at the entrance.
it was so packed in Phuture.
we managed to find a space at one corner of da dancefloor.
the later it is, the more people there'll be. more n more pushing. hmphx
we dance dance dance.
lol so FUN disturbing caige's hair. [we were dancing and when he was looking at the other side, i touched his hair. after i did it for many times, he turned and give me that 'face' which was trying to tell me that the gals behind him kept touching his hair!! lOlx!!!! but i was the real culprit keke..... so funni la see his expression lol]
wee..... so fun............. tonite i danced with almost everyone o!

while we were all dancing, bobby was sleep-standing o. lol.
stand oso can sleep. music n base so loud oso can sleep. cool uh.
i was dancing in front of a jug of beer when it came splashing onto the floor.
made my left side of my lower body wet. including my left shoe. totally wet.
duhx.... nvm. gotta enjoy the nite. lol.
den later, other people's knocked onto their jug of beer and it dropped onto the floor [again]. ala! now itz my right side of my lower body wet niao nah~ duhx! i was becoming frustrasted when that girl tapped me and said 'sorry'. my anger gone. letz continue party! lOlx.
yea, 'sorry' is realli a magic word o. like when i was walking, a girl walked past me n accidentally poked my shoulder with her nails, juz when i was tinking that 'her skin got no feeling izzit', she turned around n apologised. lol. everything's fine. ^-^
was realli so packed. wanna go to the loo gotta squeezed through the crowd o.
kept holding on to claire's hand. she's daring. will 'push' guyz off the way de. lol
me & claire in the loo.
we all den moved to Zouk.
later ah bao joined us o. yeah!
he sneaked out of his 'Changi prison' (camp) lol.
jianming was there too!
today our whole M Club 11 aka Da Insanerz were there o. except Ryan. -_-
we. dance. dance....... eh? where'z bob?? he left for toilet quite sometime le.
ala. there u are.

he would suddenly go missing.
n out of the sudden appear behind u dancing. lol.
thanx sophia for helping me talked to my mum,
requesting to be bac home later. extended 1 hour o. lol.
yea bao say i've 'grown up' liao. no need daddy come fetch me home. ^-^
good news, we had lotza fun.
bad news, QQ lost her hp. haix... she o. so careless.
she lost her wallet months ago. now she lost her hp. hmphx. hope she'll be fine.
3am. time to leave. lol dunno y i turned so emotional. when i wanna hug min goodbye, i feel sad to let go. sad to part again. as i said, u peepz alwaez make my day, n i realli love spending time with u all. dunno when is the next time we'll be meeting again. all these thoughts ran through my mind. i juz.... b r o k e d o w n.
and when i hugged all of u, da more i wanna cry. lol. comfortable to hug. sad to part.
itz been so long since i last hugged people like that. so sweeeeeeet.

thanx for all ya huggiez. insanerz!
hEex. i love huGz.
we hug hug til 3.35am. lol.
me, caige & sophia shared a cab. they accompanied me home 1st.
sophia even accompanied me til my doorstep o. thanx thanx. =)
i got home 4am. mummy was waiting for me o.
she didnt nag at me at all. but chased me to sleep.
i was so hungry. i made a cup of BOH iced blackcurrent tea. niCe~
i slept at 4.30am .
07 June 07
i woke up at 7.20am this morning.
when i was putting on my make-up, daddy came into my room asking what time i returned home last nite.
rain: "hmm... about 4am"
he den patted my head, saying that i came home too late last nite he couldnt stay up to wait for me. waa~ he didnt nag at me. keke. he den asked me not to go work as i only slept for 3 hours. wahaha! i quickly removed my make-up n went back to sleep. ^-^
Tonight mummy asked daddy to bring us here to have our dinner.
Fortunate Restaurant. at Toa Payoh.

fried baby squid [above far left], my favourite!
Peking Duck [below]. da last time i ate this was when i was still a kid.

got our local starz.
Ah Lam.
Marcus Chen Jian Ping
da bill came up to S$142.
headed home.
todae i've been coughin coughin coughin whole day. since last night in fact.
after i've juz recovered weeks ago. im now sick again. hmphx!
cough til headache o. sianx......
tomoro im goin bac to work.
"memories are a way of holding onto the things that you love,
the things that you are, the things that you never want to lose."
Almond & Chocolate chip cookiez i made.

06 June 07
excused from work by dad today.
so that i hav the time to shop for clothes and doll up myself lol.
spent about S$60 to buy some nice clothes hEex.
i was reaching town at 9pm.
so i called caige to find out where they were having dinner.
reached Le Meridien Basement Food Mall. so happi to see them again!
min. zai. caige. aaron. ber. were there.
i brought my cookiez there for them to try.

at abt 9.15pm we took cabby down to Zouk at Zion/Havelock road.

da guyz bought their Phuture tickets. we girls got our luminous stamp.
walked to blk 92 coffee shop. saw those temple's uncle [daddy's friends].
[the temple i used to hang out with parents lol].
aaron opened 3 bottles of Heneiken. we played games. "who is the pig" keke
bobby joined us at the coffeeshop. he gulped down 2 cups of Hen. bad boi. lol!
after we finished those beer, we headed back to Zouk.

we met up sophia & QQ at the entrance.
it was so packed in Phuture.
we managed to find a space at one corner of da dancefloor.
the later it is, the more people there'll be. more n more pushing. hmphx
we dance dance dance.
lol so FUN disturbing caige's hair. [we were dancing and when he was looking at the other side, i touched his hair. after i did it for many times, he turned and give me that 'face' which was trying to tell me that the gals behind him kept touching his hair!! lOlx!!!! but i was the real culprit keke..... so funni la see his expression lol]
wee..... so fun............. tonite i danced with almost everyone o!

while we were all dancing, bobby was sleep-standing o. lol.
stand oso can sleep. music n base so loud oso can sleep. cool uh.
i was dancing in front of a jug of beer when it came splashing onto the floor.
made my left side of my lower body wet. including my left shoe. totally wet.
duhx.... nvm. gotta enjoy the nite. lol.
den later, other people's knocked onto their jug of beer and it dropped onto the floor [again]. ala! now itz my right side of my lower body wet niao nah~ duhx! i was becoming frustrasted when that girl tapped me and said 'sorry'. my anger gone. letz continue party! lOlx.
yea, 'sorry' is realli a magic word o. like when i was walking, a girl walked past me n accidentally poked my shoulder with her nails, juz when i was tinking that 'her skin got no feeling izzit', she turned around n apologised. lol. everything's fine. ^-^
was realli so packed. wanna go to the loo gotta squeezed through the crowd o.
kept holding on to claire's hand. she's daring. will 'push' guyz off the way de. lol

we all den moved to Zouk.
later ah bao joined us o. yeah!

today our whole M Club 11 aka Da Insanerz were there o. except Ryan. -_-
we. dance. dance....... eh? where'z bob?? he left for toilet quite sometime le.
ala. there u are.

he would suddenly go missing.
n out of the sudden appear behind u dancing. lol.
thanx sophia for helping me talked to my mum,
requesting to be bac home later. extended 1 hour o. lol.
yea bao say i've 'grown up' liao. no need daddy come fetch me home. ^-^
good news, we had lotza fun.
bad news, QQ lost her hp. haix... she o. so careless.
she lost her wallet months ago. now she lost her hp. hmphx. hope she'll be fine.
3am. time to leave. lol dunno y i turned so emotional. when i wanna hug min goodbye, i feel sad to let go. sad to part again. as i said, u peepz alwaez make my day, n i realli love spending time with u all. dunno when is the next time we'll be meeting again. all these thoughts ran through my mind. i juz.... b r o k e d o w n.
and when i hugged all of u, da more i wanna cry. lol. comfortable to hug. sad to part.
itz been so long since i last hugged people like that. so sweeeeeeet.
thanx for all ya huggiez. insanerz!
hEex. i love huGz.
we hug hug til 3.35am. lol.
me, caige & sophia shared a cab. they accompanied me home 1st.
sophia even accompanied me til my doorstep o. thanx thanx. =)
i got home 4am. mummy was waiting for me o.
she didnt nag at me at all. but chased me to sleep.
i was so hungry. i made a cup of BOH iced blackcurrent tea. niCe~
i slept at 4.30am .
07 June 07
i woke up at 7.20am this morning.
when i was putting on my make-up, daddy came into my room asking what time i returned home last nite.
rain: "hmm... about 4am"
he den patted my head, saying that i came home too late last nite he couldnt stay up to wait for me. waa~ he didnt nag at me. keke. he den asked me not to go work as i only slept for 3 hours. wahaha! i quickly removed my make-up n went back to sleep. ^-^
Tonight mummy asked daddy to bring us here to have our dinner.
Fortunate Restaurant. at Toa Payoh.

fried baby squid [above far left], my favourite!
Peking Duck [below]. da last time i ate this was when i was still a kid.

da bill came up to S$142.
headed home.
todae i've been coughin coughin coughin whole day. since last night in fact.
after i've juz recovered weeks ago. im now sick again. hmphx!
cough til headache o. sianx......
tomoro im goin bac to work.
"memories are a way of holding onto the things that you love,
the things that you are, the things that you never want to lose."