during the last 2 days i've been trimming my own hair.
sister & mum said im crazy. but im used to it. LOL.
my fringe is no longer poking my eyes.
im back with Enma Ai's hairdo. O_O
worked in the morning.
afternoon accompanied mummy to Chinatown Point.
she went for her eye detox treatment or whatever. one hour.
so i went around window shopping while waiting lo.
i spotted a shop selling many Japanese anime collectibles & cosplay costumes.
i went it. scanning from shelf to shelf. left to right. up & down.
i spotted something which made me smile from my heart.
Jigoku Shoujo black straw doll !!!
[the form of the Black Straw Doll is taken by Wanyūdō, 1 of Ai's 3 companions]

*no flash. with flash. & me holding it.
the size is about the same as the one in the anime o~
the salesgirl in that shop asked me...
She: "you participated in the Jigoku Shoujo cosplay?"
Rain: "*shake shake head* nOo...."
She: "your hair looks like jigoku shoujo's..."
Rain: "oh hEeexx~ *smile smile*"
she, being smart enough to realise i'm a fan of Jigoku Shoujo,
started to show me other Hell Girl's collectibles. not much tho. only a few.
a wallet, a bag, beads bracelet, black straw doll, & a mini red straw doll.
the wallet & bag not that nice tho.
the Black straw doll costs me S$12.90. im lOving it. omG~ *happy*
now im ready to do my job.
anyone wanna summon Enma Ai? LOL~
sister & mum said im crazy. but im used to it. LOL.
my fringe is no longer poking my eyes.
im back with Enma Ai's hairdo. O_O
worked in the morning.
afternoon accompanied mummy to Chinatown Point.
she went for her eye detox treatment or whatever. one hour.
so i went around window shopping while waiting lo.
i spotted a shop selling many Japanese anime collectibles & cosplay costumes.
i went it. scanning from shelf to shelf. left to right. up & down.
i spotted something which made me smile from my heart.
Jigoku Shoujo black straw doll !!!
[the form of the Black Straw Doll is taken by Wanyūdō, 1 of Ai's 3 companions]
*no flash. with flash. & me holding it.
the size is about the same as the one in the anime o~
the salesgirl in that shop asked me...
She: "you participated in the Jigoku Shoujo cosplay?"
Rain: "*shake shake head* nOo...."
She: "your hair looks like jigoku shoujo's..."
Rain: "oh hEeexx~ *smile smile*"
she, being smart enough to realise i'm a fan of Jigoku Shoujo,
started to show me other Hell Girl's collectibles. not much tho. only a few.
a wallet, a bag, beads bracelet, black straw doll, & a mini red straw doll.
the wallet & bag not that nice tho.
the Black straw doll costs me S$12.90. im lOving it. omG~ *happy*
now im ready to do my job.
anyone wanna summon Enma Ai? LOL~