got bac home from Malaysia. soooo tired and sleepy.
but after shower, not that sleepy le.
had my acupuncture treatment in malaysia again.
10 needles. 4 patches of electronic thingy. this is the 1st time i feel so restless thru-out the treatment session. it hurts....

last night was a happening night......
An invitation from fiz & jum.
Event: CS/CZ Community BBQ-night organised by
Venue: East Coast Park
Date: 5 Dec 08, Friday
after work, i went home for a shower and dolled up.
met up with fiz at yishun mrt station.
at first he hardly talked tho. didnt know he's quite a shy guy. lol fiz ar fiz... xD
we EMO-ed all the way from Yishun to Bedok. 20 stations. O_O
reached bedok 8+pm le. we took a cab and alighted at the entrance of OBS.
fiz footed the cab fare o~ and so, we waited there. eh. the place is. ULLU. =\
soon after, a guy came walking towards our direction.
emo hair. walked in a zig-zag manner. yea. that's jum. Jumali. lol.
jum leaded us to their bbq pit.
PS: i kop-ed few photos from akid/fiz blog [those photos with date].

from far, i saw the bbq pit area, i was like... ''Wah. so HAPPENING ar??"
coz i didnt know they had invited so many others as well. lol.
dMZ! had invited some of their CZ friends too.
members from clans like xtR and Vanish also turned up.
i also got to meet some other cz players i had met in game.
like Wolfgang (aka Portageek), Venice, Aiyo aka Poty [i didnt know he was there until TODAY when he pm-ed me and asked me ''did u came ytd?'' lol diaO~], and of coz the rest of dMZ! members i havent met.
this cute guy. "Cherish". he's 13 years old, tho he doesnt look like one. plus...
a BIG fan of fiz. muahaha~! XD
funny la. when fiz just arrived there, he asked with his sweeet voice tone "hafiz why you so late then come........" LOL fiz was like *grr* lmaO~
ala disappointed. didnt get to snap a pic of fiz and him together. =x
this is creative... akid (fiz's cousin) & jum...
LOL dramatic sia~
a candid snap by akid. LOL 1st time see fiz smile til like that in photo sia XD
thats da way. smile more~ LOL
da cousinz. akid & fiz.
the guys around the bbq pit.

i dunno these guys at the other table. but i just snapped.
ermm. i think this guy ''m3 the last'' was posing for me to snap wahaha~
stamford ''m3 the last'' raffles.
hotdog & wings. given by akid.
this is EMO fiz.
the dudes mingling around.
see fiz's face. kena flashbang LOL.
i've seen him in game quite a number of times before.
but didnt know he's an ang moh. as he doesnt chat/speak like one.

my mobile camera flash isnt good enough for such a dark place.
candid. snapped by me.
i laughed like hell at this photo.
a final group snap.
i think i totally blocked jimmy. lol sorry...
i finally get to meet up with the dMZ! heroes. loL~
especially my shifu fiz, who trained and improved my CZ gaming skills.
we've known each other for.......... about a year? think so.
but we havent met before despite staying just a few blocks away. xD
there's this guy, jimmy, and his friend who claimed to have always seen me at Chambers. hmm. i think i kinda remember seeing 2 young guys who play cz in the same server with me & my friends that time too. such a coincidence eh. =D itz a small world afterall~~~
hmm. i laughed alot with the humourous people there.
[itz been such a long time since i last laughed til migraine lol~]
there's still alot of them whom i dunno and havent talk.
but i've meet & made new friends. all the crappy yet friendly peeps. ^-^
thanks fiz for ESCORTing Enma Ai from yishun to ECP.
and through the dark & ullu place to wait for my bro's arrival. =D
akid, *ahakz* dun salute me la. anyway most of my friends are guys.
so im kinda used to it le. =) and where's my Double Chocolate? lol JK. xP
jum seemed to be emo-ing all the time. anytime. anywhere. lol.
hmmm. i realised most of the dudes there are quite young. some even 13 or 14. many 17-19. and they didnt believe im 21 =.=" til i showed my I/C. lol.
anyway i was kinda introverted that night as.....
ala. paiseh la. i've never met any of them before.... xP
last but not least, Thanks for the invitation & happening night.
made new friends. cz chats. laughed lots.
i feel honoured to be part of the CZ Community BBQ Night.
.i had FUN. ^-^
anyway this morning i went to Ang Mo Kio.
did my Scoliosis X-ray there. 'bout S$160.
(films) results will be out on Tuesday.
but after shower, not that sleepy le.
had my acupuncture treatment in malaysia again.
10 needles. 4 patches of electronic thingy. this is the 1st time i feel so restless thru-out the treatment session. it hurts....
last night was a happening night......
An invitation from fiz & jum.
Event: CS/CZ Community BBQ-night organised by

Venue: East Coast Park
Date: 5 Dec 08, Friday
after work, i went home for a shower and dolled up.
met up with fiz at yishun mrt station.
at first he hardly talked tho. didnt know he's quite a shy guy. lol fiz ar fiz... xD
we EMO-ed all the way from Yishun to Bedok. 20 stations. O_O
reached bedok 8+pm le. we took a cab and alighted at the entrance of OBS.
fiz footed the cab fare o~ and so, we waited there. eh. the place is. ULLU. =\
soon after, a guy came walking towards our direction.
emo hair. walked in a zig-zag manner. yea. that's jum. Jumali. lol.
jum leaded us to their bbq pit.
PS: i kop-ed few photos from akid/fiz blog [those photos with date].

from far, i saw the bbq pit area, i was like... ''Wah. so HAPPENING ar??"
coz i didnt know they had invited so many others as well. lol.
dMZ! had invited some of their CZ friends too.
members from clans like xtR and Vanish also turned up.
i also got to meet some other cz players i had met in game.
like Wolfgang (aka Portageek), Venice, Aiyo aka Poty [i didnt know he was there until TODAY when he pm-ed me and asked me ''did u came ytd?'' lol diaO~], and of coz the rest of dMZ! members i havent met.
this cute guy. "Cherish". he's 13 years old, tho he doesnt look like one. plus...

funny la. when fiz just arrived there, he asked with his sweeet voice tone "hafiz why you so late then come........" LOL fiz was like *grr* lmaO~
ala disappointed. didnt get to snap a pic of fiz and him together. =x
this is creative... akid (fiz's cousin) & jum...

a candid snap by akid. LOL 1st time see fiz smile til like that in photo sia XD

the guys around the bbq pit.
i dunno these guys at the other table. but i just snapped.
ermm. i think this guy ''m3 the last'' was posing for me to snap wahaha~
i've seen him in game quite a number of times before.
but didnt know he's an ang moh. as he doesnt chat/speak like one.
my mobile camera flash isnt good enough for such a dark place.

i think i totally blocked jimmy. lol sorry...
i finally get to meet up with the dMZ! heroes. loL~
especially my shifu fiz, who trained and improved my CZ gaming skills.
we've known each other for.......... about a year? think so.
but we havent met before despite staying just a few blocks away. xD
there's this guy, jimmy, and his friend who claimed to have always seen me at Chambers. hmm. i think i kinda remember seeing 2 young guys who play cz in the same server with me & my friends that time too. such a coincidence eh. =D itz a small world afterall~~~
hmm. i laughed alot with the humourous people there.
[itz been such a long time since i last laughed til migraine lol~]
there's still alot of them whom i dunno and havent talk.
but i've meet & made new friends. all the crappy yet friendly peeps. ^-^
thanks fiz for ESCORTing Enma Ai from yishun to ECP.
and through the dark & ullu place to wait for my bro's arrival. =D
akid, *ahakz* dun salute me la. anyway most of my friends are guys.
so im kinda used to it le. =) and where's my Double Chocolate? lol JK. xP
jum seemed to be emo-ing all the time. anytime. anywhere. lol.
hmmm. i realised most of the dudes there are quite young. some even 13 or 14. many 17-19. and they didnt believe im 21 =.=" til i showed my I/C. lol.
anyway i was kinda introverted that night as.....
ala. paiseh la. i've never met any of them before.... xP
last but not least, Thanks for the invitation & happening night.
made new friends. cz chats. laughed lots.
i feel honoured to be part of the CZ Community BBQ Night.
.i had FUN. ^-^
anyway this morning i went to Ang Mo Kio.
did my Scoliosis X-ray there. 'bout S$160.
(films) results will be out on Tuesday.