left home at 8.45am.
took train from Yishun to Ang Mo Kio.
waited outside the MRT station for Turf City's 1st shuttle bus @ 9.30am.
there was this guy who sat there waiting for dunno what thingy.
i bought Teens magazine from the Ah Pek.
stood there and read the magazine while waiting.
later when the bus arrived, this guy who sat there, boarded the bus too.
turf city's shuttle bus to amk is not really a 'bus'. but a big 'coach' o. ^-^

the journey took about 20 minutes.
when i went into ICGTC, da guy i saw at AMK who boarded the same bus is gonna be my classmate. lol. coincidence.

this is the reception and waiting area.

class started 10am.

the cover looks like certificate tho. keke.
i sat in da front.
one of the late-comers, a lady, came n sat with me [a chair away frm mine]
i lent her pen. her name? 'fang qing'. a malaysian.
today is just an Orientation Day.
introduction, games intro, course objectives, etc.
and of coz... self-introduction to the class.
the Asst. Trainer, Adrian, asked 'fang qing' to start off 1st.
she turned to me and asked in mandarin, "what he saying?"
i thought she didnt pay attention. so i explained to her [in mandarin].
"self-intro. stand up and say ya name.. what were u previously doing... etc"
she den turned and told Adrian, "i dont understand or speak english leh"
adrian being so kind, asked her to intro in mandarin.
when adrian explained about casino thingy and games intro etc,
she would asked me what he's talking about? what we gonna do now? etc.
and i tink she dun really understand simple english.
i am not lookin down on her. but juz that, she cant communicate in english, how is she gonna cope with the course? exams gonna be in english. and in Casino industry, English is the main language we'll be using. hmphx.............. ICG should asked her to join English to improve her english before joining this course nor. that way it'll be easier for her.
aniwae. i like the school's game tables area. look so professional.
adrian brought us for a inside tour.
there is a clean n pleasant pantry [rest area] for the students and staffs. got hot/cold water to make ya own drinks like coffee. [bring ya own instant drink nah! lol].
later adrian promoted this small but long aluminium briefcase (optional).

yea. casino chips. & green felt (cloth material is same with casino table ones)
selling to students at S$50/-. comes with another 2 decks of poker cards o.
i bought it. wahaha. im like a Gambler Queen. XD
[haben pay money o. they said take home 1st. tomoro den pay. lol!]
hm. i did try to smile at my classmates [esp gals]. some who saw it smiled back.
during break time, i was walking back to ICG when i saw my guy classmate looking at me. giving me that kinda 'want to smile, dun want to smile' face. so i smiled at him. thatz when he turned away and didnt see it nor! lol. nvm. still got alot of time to make new friends within my class. as there'z about 20 pax in our class. kinda small group. which is good too.
in the mean time, [today] my class only consists of 5 girls.
1) the malaysian girl who sat beside me.
2) a skinny chinese girl who sat behind me.
3) a malay girl who speaks 4 languages [malay, mandarin, thai & abit of jap].
4) a girl named 'Candy' with dimple.
5) n lastly me, myself.
the rest are guyz.
my name were spelt wrongly. Cai Xiu Yuan, Rain. ala......... lol
but i told adrian about it le.
we were dismissed at about 12.10pm. as today is just an orientation day.
i carried the 'briefcase' home with my file. so heavy o.
oh yea. that 'fang qing' stays in yishun too.
on my way home i realised i left my Teens mag in class.
den i remembered i placed my mag on the chair beside me, which means the mag is on the chair in between fangqing and me. den at one time, fangqing suddenly sat beside me. so where's my mag? in the train home i asked her about the mag, she said she put it on the table. [means fangqing moved n sat on my left side. she placed the mag on her LEFT side. far away from me that i forgot all about it le nor. duhx! when she left da class she would pass by the mag de n she didnt tell me. sobx. i only read the front few pages nor. hmphx* nvm!
i got home. koko's at home. he rest at home today. still having fever o...
he saw the 'briefcase' i was holding. he asked, "wah. watz that?!"
rain: "2 million dollar briefcase..."
he carried it and said, "quite heavy o... 2 million inside huh?"
lOlx! ala x100. he's a joker.
aniwae. herez a funny thingy i saw on Newpaper last week.

hope tomoro im gonna make more friends. -_-