made a few more friends today! and got to know that Heuer stays in yishun too!
seems like Yishun is such a 'HotSpot' huh. keke
my legs are tired tired tired.
my neck n shoulder were aching.
bcoz of too much practising.
standing, looking down at the table, practising with da chips for hours.
when i looked up... ooh man.... my neck...
but now it feels better. but my legs are realli tired.
we practised for hours today.
tiring but fun bcoz of the humourous and attentive trainers.
our class were separated in 3 working stations (tables).
at once, adrian was to time us, 2 minutes for 'cutting chips'.
when i still got 2 more 'rounds' to go, adrian announced "1 min 30 secs!" [which means 30 seconds left]. another trainer 'Eddy/Eddie' who were standing next to me, asked me & the rest within my table to skip to the last step. i finished in time. den adrian asked who managed to finished?! eddie replied 'here!' [pointing at our group] lol! we cheated. keke.
later we were timed on our 'chipping'.
somehow luckily i managed to finished in 40secs.
eddie: "wah this time no cheat de. she realli did it."
adrian: "can give her 最佳新人奖 [Best Newcomer award] le"
lOlx!! when im practising, im very quiet. they alwaez made me laugh. hEex
and at one point of 'cutting chips', when i was stacking the chips up, eddie walked pass. n stood there. den he told adrian in hokkien "you see [pointing at my table], 'bo sia eh' (no sound one..)".
he was saying why am i so gentle towards the chips. they wont hurt. lol! he claimed that he sees da way i stacked da chips silently, he felt like so 'soft inside'... and said in mandarin "wah.. ya boyfriend sure dote on you alot hor..." ala.... how i wish i do have a loving boyfriend who really dotes on me alot de. lol! but i juz kept quite, smile smile... ^-^
so later i purposely stacked the chips loudly den adrian was like... -_-" kekekeke..... he den advised me again.. ''no need so hard.... dun be too gentle oso... juz let the 'gravity' bring the chips down...." lol. guiding me will make his nerves burst. keke.
after lunchbreak.
we learnt how to 'push and shift the chips in stacks'.
den do our own practise.
when we were challenging again, one of my chips fell of the table. but i didnt go after it. coz the timing is still running! later after the lesson, i cant find the bloody chip. was looking up and down for that yellow chip. even some of my guy clasmates & my other 5 trainers helped me bent down, search high and low for it... were looking all over!
i den realised that it dropped into my big pocket.
they all were like -_- ,"orh hor.... trying to steal huh....."
alA!! so pai seh!!!
class ended 5pm. meet new friends. Roy. Vik. etc.
met up my sis at Orchard MRT station.
i ate my favourite Takoyaki!!
bought a PINK sofa bed for my doggie marco. i chose. she paid. lol.
bob called me up wanting to meet me to pass me something.
and i didnt expect that 'something' to be...................
on one hand, i would be very very very very to be at the stadium.
on the other, this gift is juz too 'big' for me to accept.
bcoz, bob is not someone im close to.
frankly, if this gift is from someone else like my boyfriend or close friend,
i'll do be very happy to accept it. bcoz, we are close! [no offend, bob]
but if itz from juz a friend, there is a guilt in me if i were to attend it.
and i feel like im 'using' him for that ticket. seriously.
i do appreciate it. realli thank you for that. but......
i cant. i really cant. if i dun go, im afraid i'll waste his ticket.
but if i go, i dun feel comfortable at all.
eventho i really X1000 wish to see my 'heros'. haix...
what should i do????? i am still tinking.
there'll be a quiz tomoro. yet to study for it.
but itz open-book quiz.
so good. no need to stress over that.
seems like Yishun is such a 'HotSpot' huh. keke
my legs are tired tired tired.
my neck n shoulder were aching.
bcoz of too much practising.
standing, looking down at the table, practising with da chips for hours.
when i looked up... ooh man.... my neck...
but now it feels better. but my legs are realli tired.
we practised for hours today.
tiring but fun bcoz of the humourous and attentive trainers.
our class were separated in 3 working stations (tables).
at once, adrian was to time us, 2 minutes for 'cutting chips'.
when i still got 2 more 'rounds' to go, adrian announced "1 min 30 secs!" [which means 30 seconds left]. another trainer 'Eddy/Eddie' who were standing next to me, asked me & the rest within my table to skip to the last step. i finished in time. den adrian asked who managed to finished?! eddie replied 'here!' [pointing at our group] lol! we cheated. keke.
later we were timed on our 'chipping'.
somehow luckily i managed to finished in 40secs.
eddie: "wah this time no cheat de. she realli did it."
adrian: "can give her 最佳新人奖 [Best Newcomer award] le"
lOlx!! when im practising, im very quiet. they alwaez made me laugh. hEex
and at one point of 'cutting chips', when i was stacking the chips up, eddie walked pass. n stood there. den he told adrian in hokkien "you see [pointing at my table], 'bo sia eh' (no sound one..)".
he was saying why am i so gentle towards the chips. they wont hurt. lol! he claimed that he sees da way i stacked da chips silently, he felt like so 'soft inside'... and said in mandarin "wah.. ya boyfriend sure dote on you alot hor..." ala.... how i wish i do have a loving boyfriend who really dotes on me alot de. lol! but i juz kept quite, smile smile... ^-^
so later i purposely stacked the chips loudly den adrian was like... -_-" kekekeke..... he den advised me again.. ''no need so hard.... dun be too gentle oso... juz let the 'gravity' bring the chips down...." lol. guiding me will make his nerves burst. keke.
after lunchbreak.
we learnt how to 'push and shift the chips in stacks'.
den do our own practise.
when we were challenging again, one of my chips fell of the table. but i didnt go after it. coz the timing is still running! later after the lesson, i cant find the bloody chip. was looking up and down for that yellow chip. even some of my guy clasmates & my other 5 trainers helped me bent down, search high and low for it... were looking all over!
i den realised that it dropped into my big pocket.
they all were like -_- ,"orh hor.... trying to steal huh....."
alA!! so pai seh!!!
class ended 5pm. meet new friends. Roy. Vik. etc.
met up my sis at Orchard MRT station.
i ate my favourite Takoyaki!!
bought a PINK sofa bed for my doggie marco. i chose. she paid. lol.
bob called me up wanting to meet me to pass me something.
and i didnt expect that 'something' to be...................

on one hand, i would be very very very very to be at the stadium.
on the other, this gift is juz too 'big' for me to accept.
bcoz, bob is not someone im close to.
frankly, if this gift is from someone else like my boyfriend or close friend,
i'll do be very happy to accept it. bcoz, we are close! [no offend, bob]
but if itz from juz a friend, there is a guilt in me if i were to attend it.
and i feel like im 'using' him for that ticket. seriously.
i do appreciate it. realli thank you for that. but......
i cant. i really cant. if i dun go, im afraid i'll waste his ticket.
but if i go, i dun feel comfortable at all.
eventho i really X1000 wish to see my 'heros'. haix...
what should i do????? i am still tinking.
there'll be a quiz tomoro. yet to study for it.
but itz open-book quiz.
so good. no need to stress over that.