saw these photos at karen's friendster profile.
her caption: [look at juan!]
lol yea my face IS funni. lol
caption: [this kawaii ger has a kawaii blog!MUST CHECK OUT HER BLOG!]
karen promoted my blog..
today meet up wilson in yishun mrt station at 2pm.
me wore white. wilson wore white too!
waited for chiang at yio chu kang mrt station.
wilson & me waiting for chiang. that tortoise.
chiang arrived at 2.45pm. he wore white too!
we headed down to Somerset.
wilson practising da songs. wishing to be a vocalist o.
our feet.
we went to Cineleisure's
for lunch. were so hungry.
we ordered quite alot.
wilson ordered..

rain ordered......

chiang ordered..
with ice milo dinosaur too.
and WE ordered...

yum yum so full.
went window shopping at The Heeren.
chiang saw a 'cowboy style hat' and put it on my head.
act tourist. lol! :P
later we meet up clara [oso my sec schoolmate]. she wore white too!
what a day!! so coincidence nor.... all WHITE!
we headed to Swensen's for ice cream!!
chiang took the Swensen's balloon for me.
act young. lol! :P

yay cookie summit for me!
i wanna take pics of chiang but he keep fidgeting. so i juz snapped. dun care!

and it turned out soooo funni lo! lOlx!!! tortoise.
and herez clara & me!
me & wilson left @ 6.30pm.
he wanna go 'jammin'. i wanna go home prepare to watch 9pm ch.8 show.
aniwae wilson is gonna enter NS life soon.
caused by the slipper i wore today.
my eyez were so red after shower o...
hmmm. this world is realli a small small world o....
me n raidah were goodie friends in SHATEC.
me n QQ were goodie friends in MDIS.
later i got to know that tara & raidah were goodie friends in their sec school!
Sze sen is my primary school good friend.
his girlfriend is Alice. [i dont realli know her tho].
QQ later told me that alice is her friend!
tien siang is my long lost primary school good friend.
i smsed him today, n i asked which camp is he in.
he replied, "jurong camp. same camp with ya ex, weihao" omG~
weihao dunno that i know siang. n siang dunno that i know weihao.
now they're in da same camp n are goodie camp mates!
n they realised that they both know me! what a small world o?!?!
alrite. tomoro back to school. missed.
her caption: [look at juan!]

caption: [this kawaii ger has a kawaii blog!MUST CHECK OUT HER BLOG!]

today meet up wilson in yishun mrt station at 2pm.
me wore white. wilson wore white too!
waited for chiang at yio chu kang mrt station.

chiang arrived at 2.45pm. he wore white too!
we headed down to Somerset.

we went to Cineleisure's

we ordered quite alot.
wilson ordered..

rain ordered......

chiang ordered..

and WE ordered...

yum yum so full.
went window shopping at The Heeren.
chiang saw a 'cowboy style hat' and put it on my head.

later we meet up clara [oso my sec schoolmate]. she wore white too!
what a day!! so coincidence nor.... all WHITE!
we headed to Swensen's for ice cream!!
chiang took the Swensen's balloon for me.

yay cookie summit for me!
i wanna take pics of chiang but he keep fidgeting. so i juz snapped. dun care!

and it turned out soooo funni lo! lOlx!!! tortoise.

me & wilson left @ 6.30pm.
he wanna go 'jammin'. i wanna go home prepare to watch 9pm ch.8 show.
aniwae wilson is gonna enter NS life soon.

hmmm. this world is realli a small small world o....
me n raidah were goodie friends in SHATEC.
me n QQ were goodie friends in MDIS.
later i got to know that tara & raidah were goodie friends in their sec school!
Sze sen is my primary school good friend.
his girlfriend is Alice. [i dont realli know her tho].
QQ later told me that alice is her friend!
tien siang is my long lost primary school good friend.
i smsed him today, n i asked which camp is he in.
he replied, "jurong camp. same camp with ya ex, weihao" omG~
weihao dunno that i know siang. n siang dunno that i know weihao.
now they're in da same camp n are goodie camp mates!
n they realised that they both know me! what a small world o?!?!
alrite. tomoro back to school. missed.