went back to skool today. 10am-1pm.
there were roy, jiawei, vik, sumann & myself.
after our practise, we went to Bishan.
itz my very first outing with my new classmatez.
roy brought us to S11 kopitiam, just opposite Juncti8n, for lunch.
he ordered so many stuffz for us to share o...
indian rojak, oyster omelete & carrot cake [respectively].

vik ordered this.
*special* pancake topped with egg, cheese & sausage.
roy paid for da dishes. n jiawei was like wanting to pay for one another.
i only blanja bubble tea. =]
after makan. 3+pm. we walked to the Bishan PartyWorld KTV.
i used up the voucher bob gave me. as itz expiring soon.
da 5 of us got a small room.
roy helped us ordered drinks.
i've got Shirley Temple. =)
sumann & jiawei enjoying the song. keke
vik snapped this~
wow.. duet. so cool huh?!
jiawei, the guy with 'no christian name'.
'roy blaine'. i gotta mosaic his face abo he gonna knocked my head when he sees this. :P
vik. aka. 'chocolate'.
and herez da 'white chocolate'. sumann.
all of them sing well. the pathetic and hilarious ones.....
roy's My heart will go on.
vik's Mr. Bombastic.
sumann's Black or White.
and jiawei's 千里之外.
as well as.... "it wasn't me." lOlx!
this is our VERY 1st group photo! yippie~
rain. sumann. jiawei. roy.
vik. sumann. jiawei. roy.
u know. we did not select songs til the menu is full, consisting to 30 songs in queue. no we dun do that. but sing and relax. play poker, games, etc.
roy's "5,10 game" is fast! i like 'hei bai pei'!
and i LOVE the 'silent heart attack game'!!! so fun nor.....
im sure u guyz had lotza fun playin that too huh?! lol...
[can bully roy... hehehe :X]
we left the place at 7+pm.
another communication breakdown happened today...
[in da bus to amk...]
rain: "nevermind.."
roy: "huh?! what colour blind?!"
rain: ".............."
[after ktv session.....]
sumann: "where do u stay?"
jiawei: "hougang"
sumann: "oh. i do have some relatives stayin there....."
jiawei: "no im not hokkien. im Cantonese."
sumann & i looked at each other and burst out laughing! XD so funny!!!
thankx roy for the foodiez. and also the ktv session. ^-^
i went to Chong Pang, looked up for my primary school peepz.
a big dinner on wilson. as he is entering NS life le.

i was late. when i got there. everyone's there.
some long lost friends whom i havent seen for years.
i sat beside a guy, who's my primary skoolmates as well. i was trying to figure out his name but just cant! i know him. but juz out of da sudden i cant recall his name. i stared into the dishes, trying to think HARD~ weihong gave me some clues. only after about 15mins den i was like... "oh!!! oh i know already!! DESMOND!" lol.... toopid me.
david & marcus, seducing each other. XD
kokping having 2 sweeties by his sides... keke
half of da group.
rain. may. lydia.
wilson, the Host of the nite.
desmond. me. dianyang.
ala!!! these 2 macho guyz are SOO tall!!!
kokping is taller den them?!?!?!
no la.... lol!!!!! XD
wilson gave this to all of us....
desmond & me.
with weihong & may.
as requested by david, i've created this....
and recently den i realised that me & david have know each other since kindergarden nor!
david foon.....
oh yea. dianyang has got a twin elder brother o... called dianyan. ^-^
thankx wilson for the dinner.
hm. i had fun today. especially at da KTV. damn. so funny. lol.
got class tomoro. tired tired tired.
itz 1.51am now.
good nitEx
there were roy, jiawei, vik, sumann & myself.
after our practise, we went to Bishan.
itz my very first outing with my new classmatez.
roy brought us to S11 kopitiam, just opposite Juncti8n, for lunch.
he ordered so many stuffz for us to share o...
indian rojak, oyster omelete & carrot cake [respectively].

vik ordered this.

roy paid for da dishes. n jiawei was like wanting to pay for one another.
i only blanja bubble tea. =]
after makan. 3+pm. we walked to the Bishan PartyWorld KTV.
i used up the voucher bob gave me. as itz expiring soon.
da 5 of us got a small room.
roy helped us ordered drinks.

all of them sing well. the pathetic and hilarious ones.....
roy's My heart will go on.
vik's Mr. Bombastic.
sumann's Black or White.
and jiawei's 千里之外.
as well as.... "it wasn't me." lOlx!
this is our VERY 1st group photo! yippie~

u know. we did not select songs til the menu is full, consisting to 30 songs in queue. no we dun do that. but sing and relax. play poker, games, etc.
roy's "5,10 game" is fast! i like 'hei bai pei'!
and i LOVE the 'silent heart attack game'!!! so fun nor.....
im sure u guyz had lotza fun playin that too huh?! lol...
[can bully roy... hehehe :X]
we left the place at 7+pm.
another communication breakdown happened today...
[in da bus to amk...]
rain: "nevermind.."
roy: "huh?! what colour blind?!"
rain: ".............."
[after ktv session.....]
sumann: "where do u stay?"
jiawei: "hougang"
sumann: "oh. i do have some relatives stayin there....."
jiawei: "no im not hokkien. im Cantonese."
sumann & i looked at each other and burst out laughing! XD so funny!!!
thankx roy for the foodiez. and also the ktv session. ^-^
i went to Chong Pang, looked up for my primary school peepz.
a big dinner on wilson. as he is entering NS life le.

i was late. when i got there. everyone's there.
some long lost friends whom i havent seen for years.
i sat beside a guy, who's my primary skoolmates as well. i was trying to figure out his name but just cant! i know him. but juz out of da sudden i cant recall his name. i stared into the dishes, trying to think HARD~ weihong gave me some clues. only after about 15mins den i was like... "oh!!! oh i know already!! DESMOND!" lol.... toopid me.

as requested by david, i've created this....
and recently den i realised that me & david have know each other since kindergarden nor!

oh yea. dianyang has got a twin elder brother o... called dianyan. ^-^
thankx wilson for the dinner.
hm. i had fun today. especially at da KTV. damn. so funny. lol.
got class tomoro. tired tired tired.
itz 1.51am now.
good nitEx