was busy tying my hair and didnt notice itz already 9am.
i rushed outta home. catched the bus. and then the train.
in da train, sumann smsed me askin me to 'hurry up. bus is here'.
but i was still at Khatib. 2 stops from Ang Mo Kio.
he replied asking me to 'run run run'. made me soo 'gan jiong'.
he den called. "hey rain!! where are u???"
rain: "im still at Yio Chu Kang. going to AMK now. plz ask the driver to wait for me!!!!!!"
sumann: "i cant man. u faster come! run!"
[but he did asked da driver to wait for about 1 min or so.]
i reached Ang Mo Kio at 9.32am. i rushed til my hair so messy.
i looked out for the coach but cant see it. sumann was standing there.
rain: "where's da bus?!"
sumann: "*looking around* gone."
rain: "what?! den why are u here?? u waiting for me?!?!"
sumann: "yea"
rain: "oh my.. soo sorry sorry.. we missed the bus.. hmm? wherez da rest (of our gang)?
sumann: "gone with da bus".
rain: "only u were waiting for me?! *feeling so guilty* so sorry... thank you for waiting man."
sumann: "*smile* a friend is a friend. cant leave a friend behind."
wow that phrase is so cool.... so touched.
what a loyal aussie friend i have. thankx so much bro.
we waited for a cab.
9.40am. finally we got into a cab. "uncle. turf city please."
what a big traffic jam!
itz already 10am and we haven reach. our class had started.
when we were along Eng Neo Ave, da whole street of vehicles were moving so slowly, almost not moving.
[below pic - the blue vehicle is the cabby we were in]

we were sitting in the backseats.
sumann on the left. and me on the right.
10.10am. it was raining. road was wet wet.
i was looking out of the windows. when i saw a mazda car "drifted" past me on the oncoming side of the road. it was so fast!
i was thinking in my mind... "wow... what a drift! so cool..."
only after ONE second it drifted past me, i realised "WTF?! did that car just drifted past me?!?! something is wrong!!" thatz when 'screeching' sounds (like braking) was heard. sumann & i immediately looked behind and saw the mazda car crashed into the lorry, which was JUST BEHIND our cabby.
[i know if i were to type out the whole story, its boring. so i drew out this graphic of the accident]
below..... [A= our cabby B= the mazda car C= the lorry]

i. was. stunned. shocked.
1st time in my life i see a car accident, in front of my eyez.
the lorry went across the opposide oncoming road and hit the tree.
coz his legs were stucked and he's still stepping on the accelerator.
with the steering wheel full-locked to the right.

we saw the lorry's uncle being hit on his right side and his facial expression was so... pain. i felt da pain. so heart breaking.
sumann just got out of the cab n rushed to the lorry, trying to help the uncle outta da lorry.. leaving me & his bag in the cab. i started to shiver. kept mumbling "oh my god... sh*t. oh my god..." the taxi uncle wanna drove off! i stopped him. paid the fare n got off. went to the scene.
sumann came up to me. therez lil' blood stain on his shirt. i was so afraid.
he dun even know his arm was cut and itz' bleeding!
tho the cut is small but therez like blood blood blood. but he felt nothing.
he got that cut when he was trying to force open the lorry's jammed door.
he apologised for leaving me in the cab. nah thats fine. we were shocked tho.
he went back to help. while i stood in da rain.

there were many people helping out. so co-operative.
the mazda driver is a 20+ year old American/Australian.
he & sumann was the 1st to help the lorry uncle, who'z 50+ years old.
the ambulance only came at about 10.40pm. coz of the jam i think.
we den took another cabbie to Turf City. juz 5 mins away. sumann paid da fare.
i gave him wet tissue & plaster to clean up his wound.
sumann u did a good deed today. what a heroic act.
it was already 11am. we den saw roy & fang qing at the kopitiam.
we sat down. told him what happened. roy noticed my face was like.. stunned.
i was thinking. i was sooooo lucky. my life was just a distance away from that accident.
what if the mazda hit my cabbie? will i end my life like my late aunt's?
what if the lorry's steering wheel isnt full-locked to the right? it will hit us.
if i die. im gonna leave this world like my aunt.
if i dont die, im gonna suffer with the injuries.
if sumann got injured, im gonna feel guilty for the rest of my life.
i brokedown.
bcoz of me being late, we were near the accident.
but sooo luckily none of us got hurt.
roy den consoled me. bought me drinks.
saying "drink sweet sweet drinks, den will sweet sweet okie?" so nice.
they waited for me to cool down before goin back to class.
the trainers roughly know what happened.
coz one of our classmate saw us at the scene.
one of my trainer, Ricky, was being so caring. seeing my face looking frightened
"rain... dont think about it already huh. put this accident behind..."
so touched. the trainers are caring peepz.
and Adrian made me laughed by saying.. "Do u smelll...."
i continued "what The Rock is cookin'?"
den he showed The Rock's trademark eyebrows. lOlx! so funni.
den this sumann who trying to be funny.
oh yea itz so funny i called him Mr Bean! lol.
adrian & vik they all were den talking about "Abraham Lincoln".
i got no idea who is that. so adrian asked me to do research on that. lol.
16th President of the United States
after school @ 5pm, we [me. roy. jace. sumann. vik] headed to AMK hub.
bought some 'niap niap'. went to MOS Burger for a drink.
me & roy played 5, 10 game, as well as 'hei bai pei'.
lol we all laughed alot :P
vik & jace left.
me, sumann & roy went for smoking break. [not for me nah]
later sumann met up a friend, 'nashima'.
da 4 of us den went to a cafe [i didnt notice the name]
roy bought for us so many 'niap niap'~~~
he den bought for me hot choco & 'kong ba burger'.

i saw da picture of this burger outside da cafe and said it looks nice.
he asked me if i wanna try but i said no. [tho i was hungry :P]
but he juz got it for me. itz nice. thankx roy.
later at 8+pm. we met vik outside AMK hub.
we chatted awhile before heading home.
as usual, sumann & i went home tog.
we played 'hei bai pei' & laughed alot sia. that game is simply fun!
i got home at 9+pm.
another funny thingy happened.
when i got home, mummy was watching a eerie ghostly show on tv.
i clipped up my fringe (which make it all like 'standing').
mummy was in the toilet. with the door wide opened.
i stepped in. she looked at me in the mirror reflection & screamed so loud as if she just saw a ghost lo!
i walked out of the bathroom, askin my dad, "do i look like a ghost???"
and know wat?! mummy got frightened by me that she peed in her pants.
daddy and sis were all laughing. XD
mummy showed me this article. da accident i saw this morning.
they're looking for witnesses. lol.

tomoro there'll be an Assessment. on our practical & theory.
pray hard i'll have the strenth to spin 15 rounds on roulette.
im glad to have such good loyal friends in my new skool's group.
itz 2.40am now. tired. nitEx
i rushed outta home. catched the bus. and then the train.
in da train, sumann smsed me askin me to 'hurry up. bus is here'.
but i was still at Khatib. 2 stops from Ang Mo Kio.
he replied asking me to 'run run run'. made me soo 'gan jiong'.
he den called. "hey rain!! where are u???"
rain: "im still at Yio Chu Kang. going to AMK now. plz ask the driver to wait for me!!!!!!"
sumann: "i cant man. u faster come! run!"
[but he did asked da driver to wait for about 1 min or so.]
i reached Ang Mo Kio at 9.32am. i rushed til my hair so messy.
i looked out for the coach but cant see it. sumann was standing there.
rain: "where's da bus?!"
sumann: "*looking around* gone."
rain: "what?! den why are u here?? u waiting for me?!?!"
sumann: "yea"
rain: "oh my.. soo sorry sorry.. we missed the bus.. hmm? wherez da rest (of our gang)?
sumann: "gone with da bus".
rain: "only u were waiting for me?! *feeling so guilty* so sorry... thank you for waiting man."
sumann: "*smile* a friend is a friend. cant leave a friend behind."
wow that phrase is so cool.... so touched.
what a loyal aussie friend i have. thankx so much bro.
we waited for a cab.
9.40am. finally we got into a cab. "uncle. turf city please."
what a big traffic jam!
itz already 10am and we haven reach. our class had started.
when we were along Eng Neo Ave, da whole street of vehicles were moving so slowly, almost not moving.
[below pic - the blue vehicle is the cabby we were in]

we were sitting in the backseats.
sumann on the left. and me on the right.
10.10am. it was raining. road was wet wet.
i was looking out of the windows. when i saw a mazda car "drifted" past me on the oncoming side of the road. it was so fast!
i was thinking in my mind... "wow... what a drift! so cool..."
only after ONE second it drifted past me, i realised "WTF?! did that car just drifted past me?!?! something is wrong!!" thatz when 'screeching' sounds (like braking) was heard. sumann & i immediately looked behind and saw the mazda car crashed into the lorry, which was JUST BEHIND our cabby.
[i know if i were to type out the whole story, its boring. so i drew out this graphic of the accident]
below..... [A= our cabby B= the mazda car C= the lorry]

i. was. stunned. shocked.
1st time in my life i see a car accident, in front of my eyez.
the lorry went across the opposide oncoming road and hit the tree.
coz his legs were stucked and he's still stepping on the accelerator.
with the steering wheel full-locked to the right.

we saw the lorry's uncle being hit on his right side and his facial expression was so... pain. i felt da pain. so heart breaking.
sumann just got out of the cab n rushed to the lorry, trying to help the uncle outta da lorry.. leaving me & his bag in the cab. i started to shiver. kept mumbling "oh my god... sh*t. oh my god..." the taxi uncle wanna drove off! i stopped him. paid the fare n got off. went to the scene.
sumann came up to me. therez lil' blood stain on his shirt. i was so afraid.
he dun even know his arm was cut and itz' bleeding!
tho the cut is small but therez like blood blood blood. but he felt nothing.
he got that cut when he was trying to force open the lorry's jammed door.
he apologised for leaving me in the cab. nah thats fine. we were shocked tho.
he went back to help. while i stood in da rain.

there were many people helping out. so co-operative.
the mazda driver is a 20+ year old American/Australian.
he & sumann was the 1st to help the lorry uncle, who'z 50+ years old.
the ambulance only came at about 10.40pm. coz of the jam i think.
we den took another cabbie to Turf City. juz 5 mins away. sumann paid da fare.

sumann u did a good deed today. what a heroic act.
it was already 11am. we den saw roy & fang qing at the kopitiam.
we sat down. told him what happened. roy noticed my face was like.. stunned.
i was thinking. i was sooooo lucky. my life was just a distance away from that accident.
what if the mazda hit my cabbie? will i end my life like my late aunt's?
what if the lorry's steering wheel isnt full-locked to the right? it will hit us.
if i die. im gonna leave this world like my aunt.
if i dont die, im gonna suffer with the injuries.
if sumann got injured, im gonna feel guilty for the rest of my life.
i brokedown.
bcoz of me being late, we were near the accident.
but sooo luckily none of us got hurt.
roy den consoled me. bought me drinks.
saying "drink sweet sweet drinks, den will sweet sweet okie?" so nice.
they waited for me to cool down before goin back to class.
the trainers roughly know what happened.
coz one of our classmate saw us at the scene.
one of my trainer, Ricky, was being so caring. seeing my face looking frightened
"rain... dont think about it already huh. put this accident behind..."
so touched. the trainers are caring peepz.
and Adrian made me laughed by saying.. "Do u smelll...."
i continued "what The Rock is cookin'?"
den he showed The Rock's trademark eyebrows. lOlx! so funni.
den this sumann who trying to be funny.

adrian & vik they all were den talking about "Abraham Lincoln".
i got no idea who is that. so adrian asked me to do research on that. lol.

after school @ 5pm, we [me. roy. jace. sumann. vik] headed to AMK hub.
bought some 'niap niap'. went to MOS Burger for a drink.
me & roy played 5, 10 game, as well as 'hei bai pei'.
lol we all laughed alot :P
vik & jace left.
me, sumann & roy went for smoking break. [not for me nah]
later sumann met up a friend, 'nashima'.
da 4 of us den went to a cafe [i didnt notice the name]

he den bought for me hot choco & 'kong ba burger'.

i saw da picture of this burger outside da cafe and said it looks nice.
he asked me if i wanna try but i said no. [tho i was hungry :P]
but he juz got it for me. itz nice. thankx roy.
later at 8+pm. we met vik outside AMK hub.
we chatted awhile before heading home.
as usual, sumann & i went home tog.
we played 'hei bai pei' & laughed alot sia. that game is simply fun!
i got home at 9+pm.
another funny thingy happened.
when i got home, mummy was watching a eerie ghostly show on tv.
i clipped up my fringe (which make it all like 'standing').
mummy was in the toilet. with the door wide opened.
i stepped in. she looked at me in the mirror reflection & screamed so loud as if she just saw a ghost lo!
i walked out of the bathroom, askin my dad, "do i look like a ghost???"
and know wat?! mummy got frightened by me that she peed in her pants.
daddy and sis were all laughing. XD
mummy showed me this article. da accident i saw this morning.
they're looking for witnesses. lol.

tomoro there'll be an Assessment. on our practical & theory.
pray hard i'll have the strenth to spin 15 rounds on roulette.
im glad to have such good loyal friends in my new skool's group.
itz 2.40am now. tired. nitEx