PS: Edited Post [Video clips added]
this morning. heated up the brownie mummy bought from delifrance.
but. throat kinda sore wor.
so i cut da brownie into small cubes and put in a small carrier.
reached yishun mrt at 8.56am.
after a minute. fang qing (FC) reached. she's another punctual freak wor. xD
i gave her the brownie. i cant eat. =[
we den took train to Toa Payoh.
took the shuttle bus at 9.30am.
reached skool in 15mins time wor. faster den amk's bus. keke....
signed in as number 5th place. (but in e end also never go according to no. lol)
whoa. laoda zai lo. today majiam pit boss seh.
wore BLACK long sleeve shirt wor. lol. so cooL~
today is much more organised den yesterday. started assessment on time.
started off with roulette supervision.
were in groups. ok la. easy. =)
jason as dealer. very automatic de wor.
he tried to arrange the cash chips in initial cut amount almost every round.
makes work easier.
after lunch. baccarat.
laoda came to my table to be my player but ignatius assigned him to other table.
[sian diao. abo we kaki kaki can put easier bets lo. grrr]
my dealer was da part timer. player was andy.
da dealer made so many 3rd card drawing mistakes.
andy played as normal. betting on player/banker with tie & pair bets.
i hate those $25. lol. but cant blame him la. thatz my job.
he 'see me too UP' le. xD
my feet were aching. so i took off my heels while supervising (behind the table)
but was caught by bonnie. he gave me that 'GL' attitude. somemore complained it to ignatius. nabey. small matter oso wanna give me 'injections'.
later. chip fill.
seriously i've never practised the proper chip fill procedure of submitting the request slip to the cage, wait for the SECURITY to send the chips to my table, etc.
so i didnt know. i was given the request fill/credit slip. and bonnie said "u can write the slip now and pass it to me. or maybe LATER". so i thought i can write it slowly when the chips is coming on the way. somemore the games are still running. i have to focus. later ignatius came up to me, asking for the slip. i said im finishing it. he gave me that 'GL' face also. when im done i passed him the slip. den i wanna write the chip fill info on my TAC, den he said i am not supposed to write it in TAC first until the chips arrive, thatz why i dun have time. -_-
me like so blur cock lo..... =(
when closing table, the dealer arranged all the chips in order on the table.
after i've recorded, he asked me if he can keep it.
i said I DUN THINK SO. (coz at roulette table ignatius told us dun keep 1st).
but he saw others keeping it, so he kept it. while i was busying doing paper work.
later ignatius came, me kena scold. =(
i'm sorrie people. who've alwaez asked me to learn to be strong emotionally.
i took a DEEP BREATH. instead of calming down, tears fill my eyes. =.="
i thought taking a deep breath will help to swallow my tears. but......
haiz..... really chui-ed la..
thankx kai for asking me who bully me.
roy & vicki for asking me what happened.
and FC for pestering me by asking asking asking n asking who bully me. xD
small matter tho. I MUST BE STRONG. =.=
assessment ended at 4pm.

kai. aka magnetsu. da chiamster! grr...
ah fang & 小雨 *boO*
slacked in skool til 5+pm.
funny la croupier and kai.
bcoz of the 'golden pillow' action i made. they imitated me.
so funny lo! that croupier de action. LOL~ i laughed til i wanna pee nor. xD
saw roy they all at kopitiam. we joined them.
they were drinking. den suddenly they played the 'Secret Number' game.
when kai was about to leave, he kena. kai & croupier shared the beer & left.
when i was about to leave, i also kena.
roy wanna helped me drink de. but the rest wanna see me drink.
so entertain lo. lol. i drank one mouthful. urGh~ 真难喝... lol
chanel & marco~
my classmates. =)
catched the 6pm bus. headed home.

croupier explained to me about the backache operations.
i was wrong. itz not about metals. but 'disc'.
i will read into that.
today's last day of course le.
friday, star cruise interview.
sat, mock casino.
but dunno wanna go on sat or not. after today's incident. -_-
da trainers so serious de.... so fierce nor.
cant imagine how my future casino days gonna be like facing these kinda peeps.
this morning. heated up the brownie mummy bought from delifrance.
but. throat kinda sore wor.
so i cut da brownie into small cubes and put in a small carrier.
reached yishun mrt at 8.56am.
after a minute. fang qing (FC) reached. she's another punctual freak wor. xD
i gave her the brownie. i cant eat. =[
we den took train to Toa Payoh.
took the shuttle bus at 9.30am.
reached skool in 15mins time wor. faster den amk's bus. keke....
signed in as number 5th place. (but in e end also never go according to no. lol)
whoa. laoda zai lo. today majiam pit boss seh.
wore BLACK long sleeve shirt wor. lol. so cooL~
today is much more organised den yesterday. started assessment on time.
started off with roulette supervision.
were in groups. ok la. easy. =)
jason as dealer. very automatic de wor.
he tried to arrange the cash chips in initial cut amount almost every round.
makes work easier.
after lunch. baccarat.
laoda came to my table to be my player but ignatius assigned him to other table.
[sian diao. abo we kaki kaki can put easier bets lo. grrr]
my dealer was da part timer. player was andy.
da dealer made so many 3rd card drawing mistakes.
andy played as normal. betting on player/banker with tie & pair bets.
i hate those $25. lol. but cant blame him la. thatz my job.
he 'see me too UP' le. xD
my feet were aching. so i took off my heels while supervising (behind the table)
but was caught by bonnie. he gave me that 'GL' attitude. somemore complained it to ignatius. nabey. small matter oso wanna give me 'injections'.
later. chip fill.
seriously i've never practised the proper chip fill procedure of submitting the request slip to the cage, wait for the SECURITY to send the chips to my table, etc.
so i didnt know. i was given the request fill/credit slip. and bonnie said "u can write the slip now and pass it to me. or maybe LATER". so i thought i can write it slowly when the chips is coming on the way. somemore the games are still running. i have to focus. later ignatius came up to me, asking for the slip. i said im finishing it. he gave me that 'GL' face also. when im done i passed him the slip. den i wanna write the chip fill info on my TAC, den he said i am not supposed to write it in TAC first until the chips arrive, thatz why i dun have time. -_-
me like so blur cock lo..... =(
when closing table, the dealer arranged all the chips in order on the table.
after i've recorded, he asked me if he can keep it.
i said I DUN THINK SO. (coz at roulette table ignatius told us dun keep 1st).
but he saw others keeping it, so he kept it. while i was busying doing paper work.
later ignatius came, me kena scold. =(
i'm sorrie people. who've alwaez asked me to learn to be strong emotionally.
i took a DEEP BREATH. instead of calming down, tears fill my eyes. =.="
i thought taking a deep breath will help to swallow my tears. but......
haiz..... really chui-ed la..
thankx kai for asking me who bully me.
roy & vicki for asking me what happened.
and FC for pestering me by asking asking asking n asking who bully me. xD
small matter tho. I MUST BE STRONG. =.=
assessment ended at 4pm.
slacked in skool til 5+pm.
funny la croupier and kai.
bcoz of the 'golden pillow' action i made. they imitated me.
so funny lo! that croupier de action. LOL~ i laughed til i wanna pee nor. xD
saw roy they all at kopitiam. we joined them.
they were drinking. den suddenly they played the 'Secret Number' game.
when kai was about to leave, he kena. kai & croupier shared the beer & left.
when i was about to leave, i also kena.
roy wanna helped me drink de. but the rest wanna see me drink.
so entertain lo. lol. i drank one mouthful. urGh~ 真难喝... lol
catched the 6pm bus. headed home.

croupier explained to me about the backache operations.
i was wrong. itz not about metals. but 'disc'.
i will read into that.
today's last day of course le.
friday, star cruise interview.
sat, mock casino.
but dunno wanna go on sat or not. after today's incident. -_-
da trainers so serious de.... so fierce nor.
cant imagine how my future casino days gonna be like facing these kinda peeps.