itz 2.10pm. i just woke up.
last night played CZ til 4+am going to 5am o.

we were playing in Dimension public server.
but CT could hear T speak. T could CT speak.
were soooo noisy... cannot concentrate in da game.
den we requested darlinx vik to create private server.
it was soooooooo damn fun nah!! =D
itz been such a looong time having these many friends playing in own server.
with laoda, vik, cz 'honey' pocky, cz new fren fierystorm, kai & his fren darey.
and itz been long since i last played CZ and laughed my ass off like this.
we tried out fun maps. somemore the friendly-fire in 'on' de. xD
i laughed and laughed til i couldnt shoot nor...
laughed til stomach pain & headache lo... migrain... >.< LOL~
but was really fun. ^-^
tomoro gonna go work with my jiejie at Seletar Country Club.
as a part-timer at the Jackpot room (cashier) ba.
they need a replacement. so i help out nor.
anyway itz only from 9am - 1pm.
go earn some bucks instead of slacking home ba. lol.
last night played CZ til 4+am going to 5am o.
we were playing in Dimension public server.
but CT could hear T speak. T could CT speak.
were soooo noisy... cannot concentrate in da game.
den we requested darlinx vik to create private server.
it was soooooooo damn fun nah!! =D
itz been such a looong time having these many friends playing in own server.
with laoda, vik, cz 'honey' pocky, cz new fren fierystorm, kai & his fren darey.
and itz been long since i last played CZ and laughed my ass off like this.
we tried out fun maps. somemore the friendly-fire in 'on' de. xD
i laughed and laughed til i couldnt shoot nor...
laughed til stomach pain & headache lo... migrain... >.< LOL~
but was really fun. ^-^
tomoro gonna go work with my jiejie at Seletar Country Club.
as a part-timer at the Jackpot room (cashier) ba.
they need a replacement. so i help out nor.
anyway itz only from 9am - 1pm.
go earn some bucks instead of slacking home ba. lol.