i was told i'm DARING enough to dye my hair this way.
lol. yeah. i realised not many people dare to do so.
walking down the streets like this. lol. u wont feel da same.
frankly, i've received 2nd-lookz from GIRLS today. xD
even up on da escalator, the girl in fronda me, turned behind and saw me [my hair], den she turned around again so 'openly' & 'obviously' to look at my hair. -_-"
kookoo~ where got people glance at people like that de....
when i got skool, my frennies' reaction was BIG. xD
some kept disturbing me. 'half-half'. people like kookoo adrianO. loL~
some said it looks like a wig.
some said itz cute.
some said it isnt nice.
whatever it is. im LOVIN' my hair.
and if u think this style is crazy or lookz like 'ah lian',
itz better for you to keep those commentz to yaself.
bcoz u are not into fashion or trend & is outdated.
for you info, this trend is from JAPAN.
in fact, i was browsing through the japan latest hairstyles magazines,
and came across this hairstyle. so i wanted it.
as i've never seen anyone in Singapore/Malaysia with this hairstyle.
secondly, i miss my black hair.
but totally black hair will be TOO common.
so i wanted to try something different.
yeSh! i like to be different.
i am so satisfied with the outcome. ^-^
in skool. supervised baccarat & roulette.
still not PERFECT.
when i was sitting at the roulette table, focusing on da player tracking & calculations, arthur passed-by and asked what'z wrong with me, he thought i've got lotza 心事. lol. thankz for ya concern. i am FINE. was just in deep thoughts, calculating da payment. =)
back home at 6pm.
7.30pm. dinner on my cousin's treat. at yishun central.
full full....
hm. if u wanna ask whats my plan after i've graduated from my current course.
hmmm.. probably gonna help dad with his work for the meantime.
after that? i really dont know.
hmphx. didnt sleep well last night.
was coughing & coughing & coughing.
i think itz bcoz of the big bottle of cold Plum Juice i drank before bedtime. =(
notti me. gonna control myself le. no COLD drinks!
lol. yeah. i realised not many people dare to do so.
walking down the streets like this. lol. u wont feel da same.
frankly, i've received 2nd-lookz from GIRLS today. xD
even up on da escalator, the girl in fronda me, turned behind and saw me [my hair], den she turned around again so 'openly' & 'obviously' to look at my hair. -_-"
kookoo~ where got people glance at people like that de....
when i got skool, my frennies' reaction was BIG. xD
some kept disturbing me. 'half-half'. people like kookoo adrianO. loL~
some said it looks like a wig.
some said itz cute.
some said it isnt nice.
whatever it is. im LOVIN' my hair.
and if u think this style is crazy or lookz like 'ah lian',
itz better for you to keep those commentz to yaself.
bcoz u are not into fashion or trend & is outdated.
for you info, this trend is from JAPAN.
in fact, i was browsing through the japan latest hairstyles magazines,
and came across this hairstyle. so i wanted it.
as i've never seen anyone in Singapore/Malaysia with this hairstyle.
secondly, i miss my black hair.
but totally black hair will be TOO common.
so i wanted to try something different.
yeSh! i like to be different.
i am so satisfied with the outcome. ^-^
in skool. supervised baccarat & roulette.
still not PERFECT.
when i was sitting at the roulette table, focusing on da player tracking & calculations, arthur passed-by and asked what'z wrong with me, he thought i've got lotza 心事. lol. thankz for ya concern. i am FINE. was just in deep thoughts, calculating da payment. =)
back home at 6pm.
7.30pm. dinner on my cousin's treat. at yishun central.
full full....
hm. if u wanna ask whats my plan after i've graduated from my current course.
hmmm.. probably gonna help dad with his work for the meantime.
after that? i really dont know.
hmphx. didnt sleep well last night.
was coughing & coughing & coughing.
i think itz bcoz of the big bottle of cold Plum Juice i drank before bedtime. =(
notti me. gonna control myself le. no COLD drinks!
