i turned in at 6+am this morning. [damn. im having sleepless nites]
supposed to wake up at 9+am. but overslept.
bcoz i carelessly set the alarm at PM. -_-
luckily mummy woke me up at 11am.
i prepared myself. curled my hair. etc.
1+pm. catched a cab. to Yishun MRT station to fetch Gabe.
den headed to Raffles Town Club @ Plymouth Ave.

we were late. met karen outside.
she's my primary skoolmate. and today itz her BIG day!
so beautiful today o...
signed the Guestbook.
were given this doorgift.
and were lead into the ballroom by linxin, my primary skoolmate.
The Dunearn Ballroom
so nice eh......
the slideshow of Karen & John was playing over n over again.
romantic dim lights.
me in the pleasant loo loo.
toopid face. xD
speech held by aaron (bridegroom's bestie) & linxin (bride's bestie).
their the hosts ba.....
we witnessed the Wedding Solemnisation ceremony...

they vowed. "I Do, I Do". & exchanged their wedding rings.... ^-^
den they popped the wine.

later when the newly weds gave their speech....
karen's speech almost made me cry. LOL.
cant imagine if my BIG day comes.... i'll sure cry & cry. xD
and they matched out the red carpet.
itz makan time!
the buffet spread.
not bad o the food..
me and the star of the day, karen.
me, gabe, marcus.
me & linxin, the bridemaid.
me & lydia. we're the Cai's. lol.

later i dedicated a song for karen.
Song: A Whole New World
Message: Karen, upon seeing you & John, i believe in fairytale comes true.
LOL~ john really treats her like a princess. =)
the newly weds.
me, gabe, marcus, lydia & linxin left at 4+pm.
marcus drove us to Orchard.
we had our early dinner at Hong Kong Xing Wang Cafe.
and i had... Iced Milo Dinosaur. Japanese Mochi. French Toast.

i couldnt finished. so full...
7.30pm. went to level 9. EMAX there.
rented a room to play board games.
we played Taboo....
my 1st time playing this game~
we act or describe the word on the cards without saying out the taboo words.

shag. -_-
but we had lotza fun!!
gabe & marcus VS me, lydia & linxin.
we showed the girls power! we won them. lol...
that gabe is so humorous nah. laughed til headache le.
10+pm. korkor came to drive me home ^-^
hmm. received a call from someone tonight.
last week he said he would call. and he called.
he will call me again tomoro when the ship landed back in spore.
and i believe. he will call.
for this, i just feel so great.
u know. knowing that theres someone who wun forget u.
but why am i feeling so down thinking of another?
haiz. whatever. i should force myself to close my heart.
for another 2 years maybe. i dunno.
supposed to wake up at 9+am. but overslept.
bcoz i carelessly set the alarm at PM. -_-
luckily mummy woke me up at 11am.
i prepared myself. curled my hair. etc.
1+pm. catched a cab. to Yishun MRT station to fetch Gabe.
den headed to Raffles Town Club @ Plymouth Ave.
we were late. met karen outside.
she's my primary skoolmate. and today itz her BIG day!

and were lead into the ballroom by linxin, my primary skoolmate.

the slideshow of Karen & John was playing over n over again.

me in the pleasant loo loo.

speech held by aaron (bridegroom's bestie) & linxin (bride's bestie).

we witnessed the Wedding Solemnisation ceremony...

they vowed. "I Do, I Do". & exchanged their wedding rings.... ^-^
den they popped the wine.

later when the newly weds gave their speech....
karen's speech almost made me cry. LOL.
cant imagine if my BIG day comes.... i'll sure cry & cry. xD

itz makan time!

later i dedicated a song for karen.
Song: A Whole New World
Message: Karen, upon seeing you & John, i believe in fairytale comes true.
LOL~ john really treats her like a princess. =)

me, gabe, marcus, lydia & linxin left at 4+pm.
marcus drove us to Orchard.
we had our early dinner at Hong Kong Xing Wang Cafe.
and i had... Iced Milo Dinosaur. Japanese Mochi. French Toast.

i couldnt finished. so full...
7.30pm. went to level 9. EMAX there.
rented a room to play board games.

my 1st time playing this game~
we act or describe the word on the cards without saying out the taboo words.

but we had lotza fun!!
gabe & marcus VS me, lydia & linxin.
we showed the girls power! we won them. lol...
that gabe is so humorous nah. laughed til headache le.
10+pm. korkor came to drive me home ^-^
hmm. received a call from someone tonight.
last week he said he would call. and he called.
he will call me again tomoro when the ship landed back in spore.
and i believe. he will call.
for this, i just feel so great.
u know. knowing that theres someone who wun forget u.
but why am i feeling so down thinking of another?
haiz. whatever. i should force myself to close my heart.
for another 2 years maybe. i dunno.