last night played CS/CZ for HOURS. til 'bout 2am.
this morning. was raining again.
went to skool. practised roulette supervision in da morning.
hm. there are some freaking lame people from our junior batch.
- Mr. Freddy.
i thought i was wrong about my (negative) first impression 'bout him.
after hearing from people that he is a fine guy. just LOUD.
but. that was wrong.
recently. he started to talk to me more, after i dyed my hair.
he wanna ACT smart, joined our class, practised float estimation.
he asked me how to count. i told him 'like that count lo'. lol!
seriously what. marco also said 'ya lo!'. we count visually wor.
den he replied me (in mandarin), "5 words. 去你妈妈的."
WTF?! why his mouth so smelly?!
den when he finished counting his table's float, my answer was same as his.
den he BO DAI BO JI said me "hao lian!".
KNN~ me never say a single word to him lo!
he kept disturbing about my hair.
saying 'half half' whatever, nevermind.
he was trying to be funny, which... i find it too lame that i dunno how to react.
but today, he was saying.....
"my friend's hair more stylo. 5 colors. if he sees your hair, he sure laugh!"
NABEY! bo dai bo ji insult me! he's got too much saliva to waste ar!
i freaking dulan. shoot him back "ya friend that kind is AH BENG. not trend"
he sort of dulan with my answer, "his one is Japanese fashion one lo!"
i replied "mine also what. dont u know?!"
he lan lan den talk jiao wei, "ya i know! but if he sees he sure laugh."
[if his fren knows THIS is jap trend too, why laugh??]
please la. think before u speak. dun say things which makes no sense at all.
i dun even talk to you. so dun provoke a fight with me.
- Mr. Chocolatey.
another lame shit.
alwaez trying to attract attention.
but in the end making a fool of himself.
trying to be funny too. i just find it lame.
tho u havent really offended me. but.
stay away from me.
after lunch at 1pm. lecture. by Rama.
2+pm. breaktime. me laoda croupier & kai left.
sorrie rama. dun 'fire' us. xP
we wanted to watch movie. but.... dun have any nice one.
so laoda drove us to our same old place. Bukit Timah Shopping Centre.
LAN gaming time~
surprisingly, not many youngsters were there.
Counter-Strike, only 3 people playing. -_-
so we played other games.
we ended up playing Battlefield 2.

was my 1st time playing wor.
not bad. FUN. but... da character run too slow. xD
can drive vehicles de lo!
tank, da 'chiongster' car, and even helicopters. loL~
laoda & me got into da 'chionging' car, he drives. i shoot. hahaha....
somemore da ground is not level. da car bounced here n there.
made me sooo giddy lo~ LOL!!!! we laughed like hell laa....
den later kai was flying the helicopter. he came and 'fetched' me.
and bring me go 'eat wind' (hokkien). hEe heex......
he controls da helicopter. i shoot. lol. he bth me nor. my shooting. sucks. xD
this game made me laughed til headache lo. lol.....
we played til 6pm.
as usual. laoda dropped me & kai off at Clementi mrt.
headed home. tired.
- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.
this morning. was raining again.
went to skool. practised roulette supervision in da morning.
hm. there are some freaking lame people from our junior batch.
- Mr. Freddy.
i thought i was wrong about my (negative) first impression 'bout him.
after hearing from people that he is a fine guy. just LOUD.
but. that was wrong.
recently. he started to talk to me more, after i dyed my hair.
he wanna ACT smart, joined our class, practised float estimation.
he asked me how to count. i told him 'like that count lo'. lol!
seriously what. marco also said 'ya lo!'. we count visually wor.
den he replied me (in mandarin), "5 words. 去你妈妈的."
WTF?! why his mouth so smelly?!
den when he finished counting his table's float, my answer was same as his.
den he BO DAI BO JI said me "hao lian!".
KNN~ me never say a single word to him lo!
he kept disturbing about my hair.
saying 'half half' whatever, nevermind.
he was trying to be funny, which... i find it too lame that i dunno how to react.
but today, he was saying.....
"my friend's hair more stylo. 5 colors. if he sees your hair, he sure laugh!"
NABEY! bo dai bo ji insult me! he's got too much saliva to waste ar!
i freaking dulan. shoot him back "ya friend that kind is AH BENG. not trend"
he sort of dulan with my answer, "his one is Japanese fashion one lo!"
i replied "mine also what. dont u know?!"
he lan lan den talk jiao wei, "ya i know! but if he sees he sure laugh."
[if his fren knows THIS is jap trend too, why laugh??]
please la. think before u speak. dun say things which makes no sense at all.
i dun even talk to you. so dun provoke a fight with me.
- Mr. Chocolatey.
another lame shit.
alwaez trying to attract attention.
but in the end making a fool of himself.
trying to be funny too. i just find it lame.
tho u havent really offended me. but.
stay away from me.
after lunch at 1pm. lecture. by Rama.
2+pm. breaktime. me laoda croupier & kai left.
sorrie rama. dun 'fire' us. xP
we wanted to watch movie. but.... dun have any nice one.
so laoda drove us to our same old place. Bukit Timah Shopping Centre.
LAN gaming time~
surprisingly, not many youngsters were there.
Counter-Strike, only 3 people playing. -_-
so we played other games.
we ended up playing Battlefield 2.

was my 1st time playing wor.
not bad. FUN. but... da character run too slow. xD
can drive vehicles de lo!
tank, da 'chiongster' car, and even helicopters. loL~
laoda & me got into da 'chionging' car, he drives. i shoot. hahaha....
somemore da ground is not level. da car bounced here n there.
made me sooo giddy lo~ LOL!!!! we laughed like hell laa....
den later kai was flying the helicopter. he came and 'fetched' me.
and bring me go 'eat wind' (hokkien). hEe heex......
he controls da helicopter. i shoot. lol. he bth me nor. my shooting. sucks. xD
this game made me laughed til headache lo. lol.....
we played til 6pm.
as usual. laoda dropped me & kai off at Clementi mrt.
headed home. tired.
- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.