finally met up with Da Insanerz today!
Venue: Somerset MRT station.
Time: 7pm.
me 'zhun zhun' (exactly) 7pm reached somerset. but everyone's late. lol.
nvm. at least me, as the organiser, wasn't late. good example okayyy. lol~
all late, so i went to Cineleisure to check out the movie timings.
was like wow..... even those 8+ and 9+ movies already selling fast/sold out lo.
left with movies like.... The Wrestler, Let The Right One In, etc.
ber, sophia & her bf came at about 7.30pm.
shumin & claire reached at about 7.45pm.
we all then decided to watch "Let The Right One In" @ 9pm.
had our dinner at...........
Pasta de Waraku, The Heeren.
my 1st time dining in there ^^
i wanna snap them all they moved away =.="
8.15pm. ryan joined us. but not eating.

from left: ryan, ber, sophia, min, claire.
cute uncle ber & sophia's bf, zach.

my iced cocoa, carbonara cream-soup base. and claire's aglio.

the ladies of the day~ sophia. min min. claire. rain.

about 8.30pm bob came.
aaron finally arrived at 8.45pm. (no time order food le la lol)
9pm we settled the bill and left the restaurant.
we rushed back to Cineleisure to catch the movie.
ryan left us coz he isnt watching.
wow happy neh.....
watching movie with so many friends together... 8 of us~
it's been so long.... ^^
we were sitting in the front row. but still ok la.
the seats are not like vivo gv's (very straight up).
cathay @ cine is quite slanted towards the back. so not that jialat for our necks ba.

i watched the trailer on youtube before, LIKE NOT BAD la.
about a vampire girl, and her relationship with a boy.
but, however, the movie turned out more bored than what i expected. lol.
for the whole 2 hours we were all like..... o_o
zzzzzzzzzzzz. compared to my bloody valentine, that's way too ''unthrilling''.
showed ended 11pm.
they were standing around discussing who who who wanna go pub.
this is aaron....
min, claire & aaron go pub.
sophia & bf took cabbie home.
ber hungry, accompanied him go buy mac.
he treated me Mac's Choco milkshake wor~ wah ber grow up liao wahaha ^^
bob, ber and me then took cabbie home.
thanks. =)
hmmm. im happy with this outing altho the movie isn't that great.
9 of us turned up. including ryan who couldn't join us for movies but at least he came to "show-face" for 45mins. =)
now we're missing tara & ah bao.
caige & zieg really MIA sia. email, sms, facebook, friendster, all no reply.
sadded sia. caige dun wan us liao T_T
hmphx......... tired. am very sleeeepy now.
gonna turn in. tomoro im seeing ziyu. nitex.
Venue: Somerset MRT station.
Time: 7pm.
me 'zhun zhun' (exactly) 7pm reached somerset. but everyone's late. lol.
nvm. at least me, as the organiser, wasn't late. good example okayyy. lol~
all late, so i went to Cineleisure to check out the movie timings.
was like wow..... even those 8+ and 9+ movies already selling fast/sold out lo.
left with movies like.... The Wrestler, Let The Right One In, etc.
ber, sophia & her bf came at about 7.30pm.
shumin & claire reached at about 7.45pm.
we all then decided to watch "Let The Right One In" @ 9pm.
had our dinner at...........
my 1st time dining in there ^^
8.15pm. ryan joined us. but not eating.
from left: ryan, ber, sophia, min, claire.
cute uncle ber & sophia's bf, zach.
my iced cocoa, carbonara cream-soup base. and claire's aglio.
the ladies of the day~ sophia. min min. claire. rain.
about 8.30pm bob came.
aaron finally arrived at 8.45pm. (no time order food le la lol)
9pm we settled the bill and left the restaurant.
we rushed back to Cineleisure to catch the movie.
ryan left us coz he isnt watching.
watching movie with so many friends together... 8 of us~
it's been so long.... ^^
we were sitting in the front row. but still ok la.
the seats are not like vivo gv's (very straight up).
cathay @ cine is quite slanted towards the back. so not that jialat for our necks ba.

i watched the trailer on youtube before, LIKE NOT BAD la.
about a vampire girl, and her relationship with a boy.
but, however, the movie turned out more bored than what i expected. lol.
for the whole 2 hours we were all like..... o_o
zzzzzzzzzzzz. compared to my bloody valentine, that's way too ''unthrilling''.
showed ended 11pm.
they were standing around discussing who who who wanna go pub.
min, claire & aaron go pub.
sophia & bf took cabbie home.
ber hungry, accompanied him go buy mac.
he treated me Mac's Choco milkshake wor~ wah ber grow up liao wahaha ^^
bob, ber and me then took cabbie home.
thanks. =)
hmmm. im happy with this outing altho the movie isn't that great.
9 of us turned up. including ryan who couldn't join us for movies but at least he came to "show-face" for 45mins. =)
now we're missing tara & ah bao.
caige & zieg really MIA sia. email, sms, facebook, friendster, all no reply.
sadded sia. caige dun wan us liao T_T
hmphx......... tired. am very sleeeepy now.
gonna turn in. tomoro im seeing ziyu. nitex.