oh yea. i forgot to mention.
i've finally bought new pair of sport shoes (on Tuesday).
Wednesday, i went back to buy another pair.
both costing S$39.90 each after discount. =D
and both, white & pink!
bought this cute cute hello kitty mini cake from Polar Puffs & Cakes.
not bad o. sweeeet. ^^
11 Feb 09. in my korkor's car.
days ago. we received this postage. no name. only our address.
me & my family got no idea what is it & who sent this.
it was only until when my mum was about to rip it apart,
i stopped her "eh mi WAIT WAIT WAIT!"
she thought it might be a bomb or something lol.
i den remembered, it was something i ordered, more than a month ago. =.=

taDa~! 3 pairs of Geo contact lenses. wOot~
last night meet out the girls. Da Introverterz~!
Causeway Point. 7pm.
Rain. Nurul. Reena. Raidah. Aminah.
[in fact, itz a Farewell Dinner for raidah. she's leaving this saturday for Australia. pursuing her studies there. 3 effin' years. T_T]
they had decided to eat at Swensen's.
so i had my dinner at home as mummy had cooked some of my favourite dishes.
and thought of just eating the ice cream at Swensen's.
but when i was on the way to meet them,
they changed their mind and wanted to go for Seoul Garden.
i was really full & feeling bloated, it's not worthy for me to go seoul garden o...
later nurul said she'll pay half of my share.
lol dunno why they suddenly die die wanna eat at seoul. xD
they love tom yam. luckily i wasnt eating. xP
i didnt eat much tho. only these.....

ya only these o. really so so fulllll.
raidah. minah. reena (she's forever so bubbly ^^).

rain & nurul.

she bought gifts and stuffs for raidah's farewell presents and claimed that those are from all of us. how generous & thoughtful of her ^-^
thanks nurul.
we snapped many photos using nurul's camera.
we really had so much fun taking photos... everywhere.
i'll upload them here after she send those pics to me.
plus video. so so funny la reena. lol. not to be missed! ^^
after dinner. we went to the open field opposite the MRT station.
spread out newspaper sheets on the grass.
and we all slacked there.
how nice eh. ^^
and the moon last night was........ very nice.
it was yellowish, the whole moon thinly clouded by mist, with streaks of 'black' cloud overlaying some part of it. like those u would see above haunted houses (in movies).
something like this.
saya penat dan panas.
saya tak suka makan pedas.
hari ini saya makan seoul garden.
besok saya makan berak.
okay. i made them laugh.
i left them at 10.40pm.
flying hugs everywhere. LOL~
raidah. u gonna take care aitex.
wherever u are. be smart. be good. be safe.
keep in touch.
i've finally bought new pair of sport shoes (on Tuesday).
Wednesday, i went back to buy another pair.
both costing S$39.90 each after discount. =D
and both, white & pink!
bought this cute cute hello kitty mini cake from Polar Puffs & Cakes.
not bad o. sweeeet. ^^
days ago. we received this postage. no name. only our address.
me & my family got no idea what is it & who sent this.
it was only until when my mum was about to rip it apart,
i stopped her "eh mi WAIT WAIT WAIT!"
she thought it might be a bomb or something lol.
i den remembered, it was something i ordered, more than a month ago. =.=

last night meet out the girls. Da Introverterz~!
Causeway Point. 7pm.
Rain. Nurul. Reena. Raidah. Aminah.
[in fact, itz a Farewell Dinner for raidah. she's leaving this saturday for Australia. pursuing her studies there. 3 effin' years. T_T]
they had decided to eat at Swensen's.
so i had my dinner at home as mummy had cooked some of my favourite dishes.
and thought of just eating the ice cream at Swensen's.
but when i was on the way to meet them,
they changed their mind and wanted to go for Seoul Garden.
i was really full & feeling bloated, it's not worthy for me to go seoul garden o...
later nurul said she'll pay half of my share.
lol dunno why they suddenly die die wanna eat at seoul. xD
i didnt eat much tho. only these.....
ya only these o. really so so fulllll.
raidah. minah. reena (she's forever so bubbly ^^).
rain & nurul.
she bought gifts and stuffs for raidah's farewell presents and claimed that those are from all of us. how generous & thoughtful of her ^-^
thanks nurul.
we snapped many photos using nurul's camera.
we really had so much fun taking photos... everywhere.
i'll upload them here after she send those pics to me.
plus video. so so funny la reena. lol. not to be missed! ^^
after dinner. we went to the open field opposite the MRT station.
spread out newspaper sheets on the grass.
and we all slacked there.
how nice eh. ^^
and the moon last night was........ very nice.
it was yellowish, the whole moon thinly clouded by mist, with streaks of 'black' cloud overlaying some part of it. like those u would see above haunted houses (in movies).

saya penat dan panas.
saya tak suka makan pedas.
hari ini saya makan seoul garden.
besok saya makan berak.
okay. i made them laugh.
i left them at 10.40pm.
flying hugs everywhere. LOL~
raidah. u gonna take care aitex.
wherever u are. be smart. be good. be safe.
keep in touch.