update update!
sis ordered pizza hut on Valentine's Day.
see.... the heart-shaped pizza. =D

i bleached my own hair le!
itz my 1st time doing it on my own.
too bad la. the salon couldn't 'force' out the blonde i wanted.
so i went to buy....
Lolane bleach powder & cream (12%).
before & after.

taDa~! lol.
taken yesterday.
my "raccoon tails".

yaya that's what cyrus was talking about that night.
scenecore or scene-core or scene core. (whatever u call it)
yea that's scene-core trend.
most people uses the fake hair extension of the raccoon tail print.
but im gonna do it on my own hair. ^^
if u dunno what a RACCOON is. it's this.

yea. call me Rainaccoon. LOLOL~
oh hey! rem that day i stepped on my doggie's poo poo?
my mum told me that 'step on doggie's poo poo is lucky shit'.
and asked me to buy 4D. i didnt have the intention to buy tho.
coz i really very hardly buy 4D.
yet the next day, uncle cheong suddenly asked me wan share 4D with him not.
i asked, what number? he said, u choose lo. but i got no idea.
so he said just buy our "year".
mine is 1987. his is 1952.
so bought 8752.
S$5 Ordinary.
S$5 ibet.
this weekend. both Saturday and Sunday. we strike sia!
omG. my 1st time sharing 4D with someone. we strike!
altho both are only "Starter" prizes......
but at least strike 2 days in a row lo. so freaking lucky.
should step on my dog shit more liao. omg muahahaha.
today. KALLANG photoshooting session. FINALLY. lol.
3.45pm. met up ziyu.
had lunch at KFC, Northpoint.
[zharbo said my hair 很难看 (so ugly/unsightly). *heartbreak*]
waited til akid arrived. then we took train to Kallang.
ziyu & akid in the train.
akid with his 'green beanie'.
LOL!!! crap la he lol.
in train.
walked to Kallang Stadium.
found an emo wall at "Stadium Link" (street name).
snapped some pics there.
moved on. walked one big round to get to (Kallang) National Stadium.
coz. itz CLOSED.
wah really emo there sia we all.
somemore my boss suddenly told me that another team jio him match again.
so he couldnt come.
whoa more emo.
so ziyu just snap snap some photos at the main entrance of the stadium lo.
some photos real nice, funny n cute.
we really emo-ed there lo.
akid emo-ed one far far corner.
me & zharbo sat on the floor. emo.
so we decided to stop emo-ing & headed to....
Kallang Leisure Park
which is just a distance away from the stadium.
yay. finally i've been to leisure park~ can strike off from wishlist le ^^
we ate the snow ice. [i've never try those snow ice before].

my mango ice. ziyu's strawberry ice. akid's strawberry ice w/ choco topping.

not bad o. nice~
the snow ice is very 'flakey'. and hardly melt in the bowl. only in your mouth.
we then walked around the shopping mall.
we spotted the biggest bunny i've EVER seen in my life. really BIG lo.
too bad. "no photography allowed".
thought of bowling. but the rate.... S$4.30/game. kns so exp.
somemore akid's wrist still injured.
so k la. next time den play lo.
about 8+pm my boss (fiz) finally came.
the 4 of us went back to kallang stadium. emo & lepak there.
ziyu continued to snap more photos.
while we played with her Man United soccer ball.
bloody hell fiz. MADE ME RUN ALOT. =.=
could hear my 'asthma sound'. but didnt use my inhaler.
coz dont wanna rely on it too much. =]
we perspired alot lo.
sweaty and sticky.
i long time never run around like that le.
soooo tiring o.
[ziyu wore the most ''sportiest'' but never run at all sia. take take photos loL! =x]
hmmm. once i wanna drink the big bottle of green tea...........
i choked or coughed then the green tea went UP my nose.
WHOA~ so damn 辛苦 & 难受 lo. (unwell & suffering). omg =.=
hmmm. wanted to send boss a file. but KNS.
zharbo play it out on purpose and refrain me from getting it back. i turned violent. grabbed her. pinned her down. weighed myself on her. and snatched it back. =.=
den i emo liao. dun wan send already. >.<
the darkness of kallang.
we left the place at 9.45pm.
ziyu suggested "take cab" (forever de she lol. lazy bum).
since they also agreed then we flagged for one lo.
whoa. really. really. really. tiring today.
especially my legs. soooooo exhausting.
walked alot.
ran alot.
it's been a looooong time since i last felt THIS tired.
good job people's association.
because of your property we gonna walk one big round.
good job boss.
u made the ball fly high and away. and made me run for the ball.
my legs are sooooooo tiring.
i wanna go sleep now. bye.
PS: tomoro i will update the slideshow consisting of the videos & photos taken with Da Introverterz at causeway point that night. (it's uploading to youtube now)
Photo updates (from ziyu)..
sis ordered pizza hut on Valentine's Day.
see.... the heart-shaped pizza. =D
i bleached my own hair le!
itz my 1st time doing it on my own.
too bad la. the salon couldn't 'force' out the blonde i wanted.
so i went to buy....
before & after.
taDa~! lol.
my "raccoon tails".
yaya that's what cyrus was talking about that night.
scenecore or scene-core or scene core. (whatever u call it)
yea that's scene-core trend.
most people uses the fake hair extension of the raccoon tail print.
but im gonna do it on my own hair. ^^
if u dunno what a RACCOON is. it's this.

yea. call me Rainaccoon. LOLOL~
oh hey! rem that day i stepped on my doggie's poo poo?
my mum told me that 'step on doggie's poo poo is lucky shit'.
and asked me to buy 4D. i didnt have the intention to buy tho.
coz i really very hardly buy 4D.
yet the next day, uncle cheong suddenly asked me wan share 4D with him not.
i asked, what number? he said, u choose lo. but i got no idea.
so he said just buy our "year".
mine is 1987. his is 1952.
so bought 8752.
S$5 Ordinary.
S$5 ibet.
this weekend. both Saturday and Sunday. we strike sia!
omG. my 1st time sharing 4D with someone. we strike!
altho both are only "Starter" prizes......
but at least strike 2 days in a row lo. so freaking lucky.
should step on my dog shit more liao. omg muahahaha.
today. KALLANG photoshooting session. FINALLY. lol.
3.45pm. met up ziyu.
had lunch at KFC, Northpoint.
[zharbo said my hair 很难看 (so ugly/unsightly). *heartbreak*]
waited til akid arrived. then we took train to Kallang.
akid with his 'green beanie'.
walked to Kallang Stadium.
found an emo wall at "Stadium Link" (street name).
snapped some pics there.
moved on. walked one big round to get to (Kallang) National Stadium.
coz. itz CLOSED.
wah really emo there sia we all.
somemore my boss suddenly told me that another team jio him match again.
so he couldnt come.
whoa more emo.
so ziyu just snap snap some photos at the main entrance of the stadium lo.
some photos real nice, funny n cute.
we really emo-ed there lo.
akid emo-ed one far far corner.
me & zharbo sat on the floor. emo.
so we decided to stop emo-ing & headed to....
which is just a distance away from the stadium.
yay. finally i've been to leisure park~ can strike off from wishlist le ^^
we ate the snow ice. [i've never try those snow ice before].
my mango ice. ziyu's strawberry ice. akid's strawberry ice w/ choco topping.
not bad o. nice~
the snow ice is very 'flakey'. and hardly melt in the bowl. only in your mouth.
we then walked around the shopping mall.
we spotted the biggest bunny i've EVER seen in my life. really BIG lo.
too bad. "no photography allowed".
thought of bowling. but the rate.... S$4.30/game. kns so exp.
somemore akid's wrist still injured.
so k la. next time den play lo.
about 8+pm my boss (fiz) finally came.
the 4 of us went back to kallang stadium. emo & lepak there.
ziyu continued to snap more photos.
while we played with her Man United soccer ball.
bloody hell fiz. MADE ME RUN ALOT. =.=
could hear my 'asthma sound'. but didnt use my inhaler.
coz dont wanna rely on it too much. =]
we perspired alot lo.
sweaty and sticky.
i long time never run around like that le.
soooo tiring o.
[ziyu wore the most ''sportiest'' but never run at all sia. take take photos loL! =x]
hmmm. once i wanna drink the big bottle of green tea...........
i choked or coughed then the green tea went UP my nose.
WHOA~ so damn 辛苦 & 难受 lo. (unwell & suffering). omg =.=
hmmm. wanted to send boss a file. but KNS.
zharbo play it out on purpose and refrain me from getting it back. i turned violent. grabbed her. pinned her down. weighed myself on her. and snatched it back. =.=
den i emo liao. dun wan send already. >.<
we left the place at 9.45pm.
ziyu suggested "take cab" (forever de she lol. lazy bum).
since they also agreed then we flagged for one lo.
whoa. really. really. really. tiring today.
especially my legs. soooooo exhausting.
walked alot.
ran alot.
it's been a looooong time since i last felt THIS tired.
good job people's association.
because of your property we gonna walk one big round.
good job boss.
u made the ball fly high and away. and made me run for the ball.
my legs are sooooooo tiring.
i wanna go sleep now. bye.
PS: tomoro i will update the slideshow consisting of the videos & photos taken with Da Introverterz at causeway point that night. (it's uploading to youtube now)
Photo updates (from ziyu)..