Edited/Updated Post: Photos & Video taken that night celebrating fiz' birthday.
hmmm. i haven't been updating.
been busy these days.
so tired. really tired.
anyway. DO VOTE for my blog url.
refer to the voting poll (pink) on the left column.
which blog url is better for my blog?
Friday, 6 Feb 09
Boon Yew Association 63rd Management Committee Oath-Taking Ceremony cum Lunar New Year Get-Together Dinner.
my hosed pork legs. lol!
forever cam whoring... xP

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Ind. Building @ Hill Street.
lion dance welcoming the guests.
auntie helen. uncle michael. and nick.
korkor. mum. helen.
table reserved. papa's name.
let u guys have a good laugh at this.
my korkor snapped de LOL omg T_T
me with my korkor & sister.

auntie helen & uncle michael.
korkor & nick.
papa being awarded on stage.

i also dunno what's that award for. lol.
lion & dragon dance performances.

what an emo place.
i seemed to be drunk walking =\
dinner finished around 10.50pm.
on my way home in papa's car, honey called.
he & ajan will be going to NongKhai.
he's gonna drive all the way there o. 10 hours. long journey.
hope to hear from him soon. *missed.
i reached home around 11.30pm.
gonna touch-up on the cake i made.
anyway. here's how i baked it the day before.

i then prepared the cake topping. i followed the recipe.
dark choco & cream. melt 'em together.
but sadly, the topping turned out like SHIT.
it crumbed up. instead of a smooth one.
sooooo disappointed sia.
2 bars of chocolate which cost me about S$10. all wasted. T_T
it was already 2am.
i emo-ed. stared at the cake & the failed topping mixture.
both my sis & mum were staring at me n the choco mixture.
i then turned around, "im going to 7-11", and walked away.
mum asked sis to accompany me coz itz late & dark outside.
i went to buy chocolate. and try again.

finally. it works. T_T
i kept it in the fridge til the next day (friday) lo.
so i got home. i just melt the white choco & decorated the cake.

[PS: that 2 holes is due to the candles =.=]
12 midnight. akid, cyrus & me were all under my block. putting up the candles.
colourful siol. lol.
that "U.S" was requested by akid. "u suck" lol =x

finally. ziyu arrived. we walked to fiz's block. hid at the staircase area.
den i smsed fiz to come down. gonna give him a surprise.

~*Happy Birthday fiz!*~
that moment was funny siol. fiz really got shocked. lol.
ziyu did captured & recorded those moments. but i cant load it. T_T
YAY~! with my site office's desktop, the photos & movies work fine! =D

cutting the cake.
clockwise from charbo: ziyu, akid, cyrus, fiz.
the 5 of us chatted under block 362.

*Left: charbo and me. *Right: birthday boy & me.

me. smelling the gatsby wax. xP
i tied a cartoon pony tail for cyrus.
and i've finally mohawk-ed fiz's hair muahaha.
and he took his revenge =.=
eh boss u think i teletubby huh! lol
the surprise captured. enjoy~
[remember to PAUSE my blog's song]
hmmm. i haven't been updating.
been busy these days.
so tired. really tired.
anyway. DO VOTE for my blog url.
refer to the voting poll (pink) on the left column.
which blog url is better for my blog?
Friday, 6 Feb 09
Boon Yew Association 63rd Management Committee Oath-Taking Ceremony cum Lunar New Year Get-Together Dinner.
forever cam whoring... xP
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Ind. Building @ Hill Street.
auntie helen. uncle michael. and nick.
let u guys have a good laugh at this.
me with my korkor & sister.
auntie helen & uncle michael.
papa being awarded on stage.
i also dunno what's that award for. lol.
lion & dragon dance performances.
what an emo place.
dinner finished around 10.50pm.
on my way home in papa's car, honey called.
he & ajan will be going to NongKhai.
he's gonna drive all the way there o. 10 hours. long journey.
hope to hear from him soon. *missed.
i reached home around 11.30pm.
gonna touch-up on the cake i made.
anyway. here's how i baked it the day before.
i then prepared the cake topping. i followed the recipe.
but sadly, the topping turned out like SHIT.
it crumbed up. instead of a smooth one.
2 bars of chocolate which cost me about S$10. all wasted. T_T
it was already 2am.
i emo-ed. stared at the cake & the failed topping mixture.
both my sis & mum were staring at me n the choco mixture.
i then turned around, "im going to 7-11", and walked away.
mum asked sis to accompany me coz itz late & dark outside.
i went to buy chocolate. and try again.
i kept it in the fridge til the next day (friday) lo.
so i got home. i just melt the white choco & decorated the cake.
[PS: that 2 holes is due to the candles =.=]
12 midnight. akid, cyrus & me were all under my block. putting up the candles.
that "U.S" was requested by akid. "u suck" lol =x
finally. ziyu arrived. we walked to fiz's block. hid at the staircase area.
den i smsed fiz to come down. gonna give him a surprise.
~*Happy Birthday fiz!*~
that moment was funny siol. fiz really got shocked. lol.
YAY~! with my site office's desktop, the photos & movies work fine! =D
the 5 of us chatted under block 362.
*Left: charbo and me. *Right: birthday boy & me.
eh boss u think i teletubby huh! lol
the surprise captured. enjoy~
[remember to PAUSE my blog's song]