met up ziyu.
were in the train, on our way to our dance class.
i was still complaining on my body ache. arms, back, thighs....
im still able to dance but, if needa squat down, i sure sit on the floor de. lol.
den ziyu said "den we go shopping lo"
i was like... O_O really? ok lo. LOL.
we went to AMK Hub. i wanna watch movie!!!!
"My Bloody Valentine" caught my attention. it just released today o!
i psycho-ed ziyu to watch that movie [she dun really like thriller tho].
but at last she agreed. wOot~!! yay~!!!
it's rated M18.
[i didn't watch the trailer before. but the movie poster & title attracted me]
PS: the one we watched wasnt 3D
we entered the cinema on time. the movie has just started.
we settled down. and the thrill BEGINS.........
i didn't know this ziyu so afraid of thriller movies de.
but yea, this movie is REAL GORE.
just a LITTLE below the gore level of the movie SAW.
wanna know what the 2 of us were doing during the show??
ziyu kept covering her ears, turning here & there, looking away, grabbed me, her hands were all over...... on her cap, face, hair, ears, LOL!!!!!!
she kept nagging at me "i hate u. i hate u" LOL!!!
it was only the beginning 15mins of the show & she was GOING CRAZY LOLOL!!
and for me... i tell ya.
this is the 1st movie..... that i kept scoldingvulgarities throughout the show.
in the beginning only, i just stuffed in some popcorns into my mouth
and i saw some gore scenes. so bloodified lo.
bodies chopped into halves, chest ripped open, hearts dug out, OMG!
i was like "oh fcuk. wah fcuk. wah nnb. FCUK!"
LOL! damn thrilling. all the way from starting to ending. wOooo.......
we got shocked many times. but i enjoyed it. LMAO~!
getting thrilled once in a while is healthy i guess. wahahaha~
overall: really NICE thrilling movie, yet goring. i think they should've actually rated it R21. somemore with thelove making part. omfg. =.=" im really surprised in Singapore it would be rated M18.
oh yea i've bought something for my honey!!!! ^-^
but not gonna post the photo of it here. later he sees den no surprise liao......
i cant wait to see the way he laughs when i give it to him =D
were in the train, on our way to our dance class.
i was still complaining on my body ache. arms, back, thighs....
im still able to dance but, if needa squat down, i sure sit on the floor de. lol.
den ziyu said "den we go shopping lo"
i was like... O_O really? ok lo. LOL.
we went to AMK Hub. i wanna watch movie!!!!
"My Bloody Valentine" caught my attention. it just released today o!
i psycho-ed ziyu to watch that movie [she dun really like thriller tho].
but at last she agreed. wOot~!! yay~!!!
it's rated M18.
[i didn't watch the trailer before. but the movie poster & title attracted me]

we entered the cinema on time. the movie has just started.
we settled down. and the thrill BEGINS.........
i didn't know this ziyu so afraid of thriller movies de.
but yea, this movie is REAL GORE.
just a LITTLE below the gore level of the movie SAW.
wanna know what the 2 of us were doing during the show??
ziyu kept covering her ears, turning here & there, looking away, grabbed me, her hands were all over...... on her cap, face, hair, ears, LOL!!!!!!
she kept nagging at me "i hate u. i hate u" LOL!!!
it was only the beginning 15mins of the show & she was GOING CRAZY LOLOL!!
and for me... i tell ya.
this is the 1st movie..... that i kept scolding
in the beginning only, i just stuffed in some popcorns into my mouth
and i saw some gore scenes. so bloodified lo.
bodies chopped into halves, chest ripped open, hearts dug out, OMG!
i was like "oh fcuk. wah fcuk. wah nnb. FCUK!"
LOL! damn thrilling. all the way from starting to ending. wOooo.......
we got shocked many times. but i enjoyed it. LMAO~!
getting thrilled once in a while is healthy i guess. wahahaha~
overall: really NICE thrilling movie, yet goring. i think they should've actually rated it R21. somemore with the
oh yea i've bought something for my honey!!!! ^-^
but not gonna post the photo of it here. later he sees den no surprise liao......
i cant wait to see the way he laughs when i give it to him =D