~i so wanna knock over those "ganjiong spiders" who push & try to enter the train when passangers are trying to alight. itz sooo irritating."
was bored at work today.
so i emo-ed with pencil & paper.

at night went to Aljunied.
Phoon Huat's Hands-On Baking Workshop
Venue: Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10 Singapore 387355
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Fee: S$36 per entry
(Open for Public)
[ziyu wanted to go. jio-ed me. so i accompanied her lo.]
when i reached there ziyu already helped my washed & clean up the utensils. =)

we were so new there. so lost. but behind our table is a helpful man. =)
a lady joined us too coz other tables were taken. her name is Lavin.
were given these recipes.

we so long never see each other wearing apron le. hEex~

ziyu dividing the dough.
the dough was set aside for 30 minutes. see the changes? wow~

the big bowl of melted choco couverture + butter.
it smells GREAT.
**triple choco brownie**

ziyu & lavin.
while baking the brownie in the oven.
we started doing the pizza.
making the pizza crust.
funny lo. ziyu was sooo violent with the dough which made lavin laughed and laughed lol! she said maybe the dough offended ziyu loL~!
(snapped by lavin)
made by me! ^^ (ready for the oven)
taDa~! after 'oven-tanning' for 10 minutes.
zaine's & mine.
this is our bakery instructor. Mr Patrick Pang.

he's got the COOL look but yet friendly & fun.
pizza topping. wow~~

the chef helping us to top the pizza with cheese.
taDa~! the brownie!! smellsss great o~
baked by our own hands! =D
and here's the pizza~! omG~! smells so nice laaaa.

and it tastes great too.
Overall: the bakery lesson was FUN.
will feel happy to see the result of your own baking skills.
somemore they provided the aluminium wrapped base, box, plastic bags, for you to bring the food home.
we left the workshop at about 10pm.
i accompanied ziyu to Vivo city. looked up for her bf.
ziyu & her bf said the pizza tastes better than pizza hut's. lol~
i bought the Coffee Bean's Ice Blended Pure Vanilla (sooo long never drink that le)
we then took cab home. thanks her bf for the cab fare. =)
and charbo. sorry. i did emo-ed. but u dont scared of me la. =.=
im soooo sooo tired.
hmmm. because of the bakery class i couldnt send ajan off to the airport.
but at least i did talked to him on the phone =)
we'll be meeting again in weeks time. ^^
anyway. here's a photo taken last week when we were outside Kallang Stadium.

i love this pic. taken from bottom. how unique eh.
im not posting the other photos taken, because ziyu havent send me.
she uploaded to facebook but the size is too small.
too bad then.
so i emo-ed with pencil & paper.
at night went to Aljunied.
Phoon Huat's Hands-On Baking Workshop
Venue: Geylang Lor 23, One Sims Lane, #01-10 Singapore 387355
Time: 7pm - 10pm
Fee: S$36 per entry
(Open for Public)
[ziyu wanted to go. jio-ed me. so i accompanied her lo.]
when i reached there ziyu already helped my washed & clean up the utensils. =)
we were so new there. so lost. but behind our table is a helpful man. =)
a lady joined us too coz other tables were taken. her name is Lavin.
were given these recipes.
we so long never see each other wearing apron le. hEex~
the dough was set aside for 30 minutes. see the changes? wow~
it smells GREAT.
**triple choco brownie**
while baking the brownie in the oven.
we started doing the pizza.
funny lo. ziyu was sooo violent with the dough which made lavin laughed and laughed lol! she said maybe the dough offended ziyu loL~!
taDa~! after 'oven-tanning' for 10 minutes.
this is our bakery instructor. Mr Patrick Pang.
he's got the COOL look but yet friendly & fun.
pizza topping. wow~~
and here's the pizza~! omG~! smells so nice laaaa.
and it tastes great too.
Overall: the bakery lesson was FUN.
will feel happy to see the result of your own baking skills.
somemore they provided the aluminium wrapped base, box, plastic bags, for you to bring the food home.
we left the workshop at about 10pm.
i accompanied ziyu to Vivo city. looked up for her bf.
ziyu & her bf said the pizza tastes better than pizza hut's. lol~
i bought the Coffee Bean's Ice Blended Pure Vanilla (sooo long never drink that le)
we then took cab home. thanks her bf for the cab fare. =)
and charbo. sorry. i did emo-ed. but u dont scared of me la. =.=
im soooo sooo tired.
hmmm. because of the bakery class i couldnt send ajan off to the airport.
but at least i did talked to him on the phone =)
we'll be meeting again in weeks time. ^^
anyway. here's a photo taken last week when we were outside Kallang Stadium.
i love this pic. taken from bottom. how unique eh.
im not posting the other photos taken, because ziyu havent send me.
she uploaded to facebook but the size is too small.
too bad then.