my 1st time wearing soft contact lenses. not as difficult as i thought. ^^

see the difference?
alrite. im a camwhore.
5.30pm. my korkor drove me to Sengkang.
met up alvin there. took train down to Clarke Quay.
[i bought 2 cute & lovely shirts @ S$30]
met joven at BK.
went up to Soho Square together.
the Music Garage's having a party there! =D

OMG la! joven dont believe that i did my raccoon tails by myself =.="
we all playing Jenga.
later Justin jio-ed mahjong kakis. wahaha. long time no play le.
the mahjong tiles are small.
they didnt play $$$ de. just playing for fun.
performance. dance. singing. etc.
michelle's group.
i finally hear Jae sing in person. nice o.
michelle (his sister) came up to him with the birthday cake. so sweet.
the cake not bad o. nice.
me with alvin. joven. and the twin sisters, cordelia & camellia.

i didnt realised they are actually TWINS until alvin told me. lol.
i made other new friends from MG too!
played mahjong with guo xiong, eugene, and a petite pretty girl.
took photos with MG's producer Jae. (waiting for joven to send me).
the break dance instuctor charlie said something to me,
but i couldnt hear clearly.
i only heard, "girly", "pink shirt", etc.
i really dunno what he was trying to say.
but still, i answered him "orh" and knodded my head. lol.
that little girl Din. kept mingling around, drinking.
only 16 years old drink drink drink lo....
she walked passed me i could smell alcohol. that shows how much she drank.
aiyoyoyo.... i think she was drunk.
i was in the washroom washing my hands at the basin,
other basin she dont wan use, she came to me and pushed me aside. =.="
nevermind. small girl. =.=
dunno hows she's doing now lol.
i left the place at 10+pm while the rest are still partying.
emo-ed my way home.
oh yea. wondered why ziyu never go?
since 4+pm i've prepared myself ready, waiting for her.
she reached home at 5pm. say she wan rest 10mins. den bathe. and meet me.
then she said she wanna go cut hair.
after that make-up. den go down to the party.
[somemore she sounded sian. still said that she feels tired all these. so i told her then i go down myself lo since she's tired and dun feel like going like that. but she asked me to WAIT for her]
OKayyy. (fyi, party was said to start at 6+pm)
by 5.30pm. she havent call me.
den i think think think, if she go cut hair, make up all, by the time, reach party will be late, gonna miss out the fun, plus she said she wanna leave the party EARLY to go home sleep.
and im those kinda person who dun like to be late for events & occasions, somemore got performance lo.
so i smsed her saying, "charbo i think u other day cut suan le. i think no time. if we reach there late missed out the fun sia. other day cut la. u bathe liao make up lo. den meet."
i like that say, got wrong not? do i sound harsh or rude or whatever?
know what she replied me?
"Not goin le"
she's really another one with this kinda attitute problem peeps.
charbo u should know, this is not the first time.
i'm getting used to your pattern le.
havent u think about the time u made people to wait for you?
yet u dont feel sorry at all. and sounded like i offended u. did i?
u'll give me excuses later saying u bad mood or what.
itz alwayz like that, after sometimes u ok liao happy happy liao, u call me and can talk and act like nothing has happened. what do u treat me as?
normally i would just forget your attp after hearing u smile and laugh.
but now, im getting sick of it.
everyone's tolerance has got itz limits.
have i ever treat u like that?
u need me or my help u good good. den u tired or moody u siao siao?
duh. whatever. im really tired of these.
you will only make me die younger. by hurting & boiling me.
altho u r my only so-called close friend left.
doesnt mean i can let u rant this way.
u dont feel for people. only yourself.
i'll go back to my own emo self.
the girl who lives happily without any close friends.
fellow friends out there.
dont bother finding me. coz u wont be able to.
dont bother calling me. coz its either switched off or i wont pick-up.
dont bother sms-ing me. coz i wont reply.
but if u managed to see/meet me, im still ME. =)
frankly speaking, im just tired of all these unneccessary nonsense.
just leave me alone.
feeling lonely is even better than having friends who get on my nerves every now and then unneccessarily.
PS: outings with huaminians & insanerz will still go on. i'm still ME.
Photos Update (from joven).....

is that........ an orb? -_-
alrite. im a camwhore.
5.30pm. my korkor drove me to Sengkang.
met up alvin there. took train down to Clarke Quay.
[i bought 2 cute & lovely shirts @ S$30]
met joven at BK.
went up to Soho Square together.
the Music Garage's having a party there! =D
OMG la! joven dont believe that i did my raccoon tails by myself =.="
later Justin jio-ed mahjong kakis. wahaha. long time no play le.
they didnt play $$$ de. just playing for fun.
performance. dance. singing. etc.
i finally hear Jae sing in person. nice o.
michelle (his sister) came up to him with the birthday cake. so sweet.
me with alvin. joven. and the twin sisters, cordelia & camellia.
i didnt realised they are actually TWINS until alvin told me. lol.
i made other new friends from MG too!
played mahjong with guo xiong, eugene, and a petite pretty girl.
took photos with MG's producer Jae. (waiting for joven to send me).
the break dance instuctor charlie said something to me,
but i couldnt hear clearly.
i only heard, "girly", "pink shirt", etc.
i really dunno what he was trying to say.
but still, i answered him "orh" and knodded my head. lol.
that little girl Din. kept mingling around, drinking.
only 16 years old drink drink drink lo....
she walked passed me i could smell alcohol. that shows how much she drank.
aiyoyoyo.... i think she was drunk.
i was in the washroom washing my hands at the basin,
other basin she dont wan use, she came to me and pushed me aside. =.="
nevermind. small girl. =.=
dunno hows she's doing now lol.
i left the place at 10+pm while the rest are still partying.
emo-ed my way home.
oh yea. wondered why ziyu never go?
since 4+pm i've prepared myself ready, waiting for her.
she reached home at 5pm. say she wan rest 10mins. den bathe. and meet me.
then she said she wanna go cut hair.
after that make-up. den go down to the party.
[somemore she sounded sian. still said that she feels tired all these. so i told her then i go down myself lo since she's tired and dun feel like going like that. but she asked me to WAIT for her]
OKayyy. (fyi, party was said to start at 6+pm)
by 5.30pm. she havent call me.
den i think think think, if she go cut hair, make up all, by the time, reach party will be late, gonna miss out the fun, plus she said she wanna leave the party EARLY to go home sleep.
and im those kinda person who dun like to be late for events & occasions, somemore got performance lo.
so i smsed her saying, "charbo i think u other day cut suan le. i think no time. if we reach there late missed out the fun sia. other day cut la. u bathe liao make up lo. den meet."
i like that say, got wrong not? do i sound harsh or rude or whatever?
know what she replied me?
"Not goin le"
she's really another one with this kinda attitute problem peeps.
charbo u should know, this is not the first time.
i'm getting used to your pattern le.
havent u think about the time u made people to wait for you?
yet u dont feel sorry at all. and sounded like i offended u. did i?
u'll give me excuses later saying u bad mood or what.
itz alwayz like that, after sometimes u ok liao happy happy liao, u call me and can talk and act like nothing has happened. what do u treat me as?
normally i would just forget your attp after hearing u smile and laugh.
but now, im getting sick of it.
everyone's tolerance has got itz limits.
have i ever treat u like that?
u need me or my help u good good. den u tired or moody u siao siao?
duh. whatever. im really tired of these.
you will only make me die younger. by hurting & boiling me.
altho u r my only so-called close friend left.
doesnt mean i can let u rant this way.
u dont feel for people. only yourself.
i'll go back to my own emo self.
the girl who lives happily without any close friends.
fellow friends out there.
dont bother finding me. coz u wont be able to.
dont bother calling me. coz its either switched off or i wont pick-up.
dont bother sms-ing me. coz i wont reply.
but if u managed to see/meet me, im still ME. =)
frankly speaking, im just tired of all these unneccessary nonsense.
just leave me alone.
feeling lonely is even better than having friends who get on my nerves every now and then unneccessarily.
PS: outings with huaminians & insanerz will still go on. i'm still ME.
Photos Update (from joven).....