Goodbye 2008. Hello 2009!!
Where did you spend your New Year Eve??
Went to any Countdown Parties?
Went to any Countdown Parties?
Tara QQ asked if i wanna join her at the Sentosa (Siloso) Party.
Nurul asked me to meet out with Da Introverterz at 11pm plus.
i didnt go.
im not that enthusiastic kind of person to party among the hundreds or thousands party-goers for countdown. i wasnt that enthu to do so tho.
i spent my day at home.
& countdown to my New Year 2009 in CZ.
isnt that just as great? loL~
i was on-form o~

thats me, 2nd top-fragger in Terrorists team. 93 - 37. ^^
1st is hfz la~ who else. lol.
were pwning around when this kookoo uNk. Clan server HANGS. =.=
so we fleed to Gothic Serpent Clan server.

i was owning til so happy, topping the list of Terrorists.......
when this kookoo Gothic server also HANG. =.=
KNS sia~
its New Year man......
server also dont give chance one. KOOKOOs!
anyway last night that despo guy joined the server which we were playing.
then this hfz immediately changed. here comes the pikachu. LOL!
he flirts emo-ly with him again.
those who KNOW what's going on, helped by flirting along.
& that made those who know hfz, to Laugh out Loud. xD
there were still other despo guys falling for his trap lo =.= adoi.
funny la. think it was my 1st time trying to act like a MAN.
i guessed no one noticed im not. lol~
FUN la. to trick people who deserved it. xD
and thanks pikafiz for cheering me up. =D
this morning David asked to gather the Huaminians out to Orchard.
but i gotta stay home to help & tidy my room already.
ziyu also called me when i was still sleeping....
today i woke up at 3.33pm. wOot~
i slept weeelllll last night ^^
4.38pm. honey called! *Happy New Year*!
so glad to hear from him.
he assured me he will call me when he promised to call.
that made me feels better =) i'll believe him.
he cute la. talked talked til nothing to talk. den suddenly.......
anyway charbo ziyu. i miss lan gaming at Chambers with u. =)
and im looking forward to our own ktv date. no one can disturb. ^^ lol.