last week finished watching the 2nd season of Hell Girl.
Jigoku Shoujo - Futakomori (Season 2)
what's with that (new) flower?
it represents this new character appearing in this season.
Kikuri. very cute yet creepy girl.
Enma Ai emo-ing.
that new girl Kikuri just appeared outta nowhere in the series.
i oso dunno how is she related to Enma Ai.

the day they wear the same kimono,
kikuri tied the same flower on enma ai's hair.
when enma ai took out the flower, see kiruki's reaction. so cute.
"ahhhh... dont..."
the playful kikuri folded a paper aeroplane a throw it into the air.
& hits Ai's head. lol
in this series i got to know more about Ai. she isnt as cold as she looks.
there are some parts which made me laughed.
she even did this trademark "V" pose.....
when she took the guy to hell.
i cried watching the last episode.
its the first time i cry watching this show sia.
i am waiting eagerly for the season 3.
currently only half of the whole series is out.
anyway. i was watching JabbaWockeez on youtube all day.
they are one of the best dancers in America.
masked, cool and cold is how i described their on-stage look.
but on the other hand, they are funny at times.
they are very creative in each & every dance of their own.
although they put on their trademark expressionless masks,
they were able to express very well by their dance movements.
they could even danced according to the meaning of the lyrics,
especially for the song, Apologise. woOt~ cute la.
and their dance synchronisation is like... WOW!
JabbaWockeez Dance Competition compilation
Part 1
Part 2
Jigoku Shoujo - Futakomori (Season 2)

it represents this new character appearing in this season.

that new girl Kikuri just appeared outta nowhere in the series.
i oso dunno how is she related to Enma Ai.

the day they wear the same kimono,
kikuri tied the same flower on enma ai's hair.
when enma ai took out the flower, see kiruki's reaction. so cute.

the playful kikuri folded a paper aeroplane a throw it into the air.

in this series i got to know more about Ai. she isnt as cold as she looks.
there are some parts which made me laughed.
she even did this trademark "V" pose.....

i cried watching the last episode.
its the first time i cry watching this show sia.
i am waiting eagerly for the season 3.
currently only half of the whole series is out.
anyway. i was watching JabbaWockeez on youtube all day.
they are one of the best dancers in America.
masked, cool and cold is how i described their on-stage look.
but on the other hand, they are funny at times.
they are very creative in each & every dance of their own.
although they put on their trademark expressionless masks,
they were able to express very well by their dance movements.
they could even danced according to the meaning of the lyrics,
especially for the song, Apologise. woOt~ cute la.
and their dance synchronisation is like... WOW!
JabbaWockeez Dance Competition compilation
Part 1
Part 2