this post is specially in reply to
hafiz's blog post dated Wednesday, January 21, 2009.
i hope u still remember what i told you last night.
in this cruel world, there will ALWAYS be people who wanna.....
stab you from the back.
laugh at you.
insult you.
criticise you.
those are whom i called.... HATERS.
people unhappy with what you have.
people jealous of you.
people thinks highly of themselves and look down on others.
all kinds.
ALL KINDA people.
yea at times, those LOW-IQ, CHILDISH & SENSELESS people (i guess they haven't had enough mum's milk when they were young) may look down on you or whatsoever.
but most importantly, fiz,
ITE =It's The End?
NO its not.
even those who were DROPPED OUTTA secondary schools,
itz NOT the end for them either.
haven't you thought of, or realised this.
- there are poly-graduates working in kopitiam
- some are even U-grads.
- some ITE students, even if they didnt do well in their studies in ite, today, some are self-employed. started their own businesses. they are their own BOSSes.
dont believe? my brother. and his friend (whom i also know).
ya altho they both are with the help of family businesses.
but at least, they've stepped into one of the successful future path.
my brother's friend. last year he just bought the new toyota camry.
and this year, he's driving lexus.
im not exaggerating here. but just trying to tell you,
he depends on his own hands & mind. not certifications.
FYI: he's also an ITE-grad =)
there are also poly-grads holding the bloody poly diploma certificate YET,
cant find a job that they expected. (high salary).
SO, why compare?
those haters wanna compare, let them be lo.
dont have to get angry or emo over LOW-IQ people.
fiz. im not afraid to say that, yea, i passed my Class 3 license. but. it's auto.
know what? some brainless friends of mine laughed at me,
ALA chey... auto..... so easy.....
but i shoot him back.
better than you, no license, & failed your manual TP. or...
dont have the $$$ to even take up driving lessons.
im not insulting how poor they might be, but, i meant,
look into the mirror, before laughing at others.
they chui tat lan. =)
and about schooling,
eventho i've graduated from MDIS with a
(University of Bradford) Diploma in business management, BUT. so??
i can tell you.
if you throw me a company or business to manage, i'll be LOST. xD
certifications is NOTHING much,
compared to experiences, own IQ knowledge, and your own pair of hands.
dont let others bring u down fiz.
face it. face the reality. face your life.
if you yourself are hiding away from the facts of your life,
you are already looking down on yourself.
so dont lie to yourself about your life.
since you've chosen this path, be proud of it!
the more people wanna pull you down,
the more u gotta stand strong.
be yourself. be who you are.
"those who matters, dont care. and those who cares, dont matter!"
remember that.
i really hope you will change your own thinking.
be more positive & confident.
i had never looked down on you.
neither do your other good frens (i believe).
so HOW CAN U let yourself down? T_T
you are screwing yourself inside out man~!
if u dont mind pouring your heart out to an unlicensed counsellor, Enma Ai's hotline available 24/7.
i think im good enough to give advises. but not for myself. lol.
trust me. just let those..... HATERS... be haters.
dont you know haters are actually the losers? =)
hafiz's blog post dated Wednesday, January 21, 2009.
i hope u still remember what i told you last night.
in this cruel world, there will ALWAYS be people who wanna.....
stab you from the back.
laugh at you.
insult you.
criticise you.
those are whom i called.... HATERS.
people unhappy with what you have.
people jealous of you.
people thinks highly of themselves and look down on others.
all kinds.
ALL KINDA people.
yea at times, those LOW-IQ, CHILDISH & SENSELESS people (i guess they haven't had enough mum's milk when they were young) may look down on you or whatsoever.
but most importantly, fiz,
NO its not.
even those who were DROPPED OUTTA secondary schools,
itz NOT the end for them either.
haven't you thought of, or realised this.
- there are poly-graduates working in kopitiam
- some are even U-grads.
- some ITE students, even if they didnt do well in their studies in ite, today, some are self-employed. started their own businesses. they are their own BOSSes.
dont believe? my brother. and his friend (whom i also know).
ya altho they both are with the help of family businesses.
but at least, they've stepped into one of the successful future path.
my brother's friend. last year he just bought the new toyota camry.
and this year, he's driving lexus.
im not exaggerating here. but just trying to tell you,
he depends on his own hands & mind. not certifications.
FYI: he's also an ITE-grad =)
there are also poly-grads holding the bloody poly diploma certificate YET,
cant find a job that they expected. (high salary).
SO, why compare?
those haters wanna compare, let them be lo.
dont have to get angry or emo over LOW-IQ people.
fiz. im not afraid to say that, yea, i passed my Class 3 license. but. it's auto.
know what? some brainless friends of mine laughed at me,
ALA chey... auto..... so easy.....
but i shoot him back.
better than you, no license, & failed your manual TP. or...
dont have the $$$ to even take up driving lessons.
im not insulting how poor they might be, but, i meant,
look into the mirror, before laughing at others.
they chui tat lan. =)
and about schooling,
eventho i've graduated from MDIS with a
(University of Bradford) Diploma in business management, BUT. so??
i can tell you.
if you throw me a company or business to manage, i'll be LOST. xD
certifications is NOTHING much,
compared to experiences, own IQ knowledge, and your own pair of hands.
dont let others bring u down fiz.
face it. face the reality. face your life.
if you yourself are hiding away from the facts of your life,
you are already looking down on yourself.
so dont lie to yourself about your life.
since you've chosen this path, be proud of it!
the more people wanna pull you down,
the more u gotta stand strong.
be yourself. be who you are.
"those who matters, dont care. and those who cares, dont matter!"
remember that.
i really hope you will change your own thinking.
be more positive & confident.
i had never looked down on you.
neither do your other good frens (i believe).
so HOW CAN U let yourself down? T_T
you are screwing yourself inside out man~!
if u dont mind pouring your heart out to an unlicensed counsellor, Enma Ai's hotline available 24/7.
i think im good enough to give advises. but not for myself. lol.
trust me. just let those..... HATERS... be haters.
dont you know haters are actually the losers? =)
