charbo called me at 9.55am. and 12.56pm.
2 wake up calls and i was still like ZZzzzz lol.
she asked if i wanna meet her at night and accompany her to Taka.
i said ok lo. since im free and my CNY's been quiet. lol.
then she mentioned about movies. so i suggested watching Love Matters!
i jio-ed fiz & akid along as that day i heard fiz saying he wanna watch that too.
i left home in the late afternoon with my parents.
in daddy's car.

went down to the temple at zion road.
greeted & shook hands saying "happy new year".
uncle jimmy, uncle ricky, louis, etc were all there.
NICK den suddenly came into my mind.
so i asked for his number from mummy then called him.
"Happy New Year! 身体健康!HUAT TUA ZAI AR!"
he was like LOL-ing away lol~
he guessed correctly who i am. not fun de =.=
i told him he OWE me one red packet.
he said okokok no problem!
muahahaha xP
i spotted louis' BIKE. SO CUTE LO!!!

itz actually a motor-bicycle. battery operated.
she let me tried it. i rode on it like..... 60cm, den stopped. LOL.
coz im wearing dress. =x
received red packets from louis & uncle uncles there.
slacked and chatted.
at about 6pm. i left the temple & parents.
took bus to tiong bahru. transfer to train, down to Orchard.
went shopping at Tangs Plaza and Far East Plaza.
still couldn't find the sandals i like.
but bought 2 scarfs! checkered pink. and emo black.
7+pm. fiz reached orchard but he couldnt find the way to where i was.
so i decided to meet him at orchard mrt there.
we den walked to Cineleisure.
ziyu had bought the movie tickets for us.
we met her there.
thanks for the treat girl ^^
then went to Takashimaya. she finally bought the stuffs she wants.
were hungry. and i've been targeting Takoyaki all the while. LOL =x
hmm. akid finally found his way to takashimaya.
we bought many 'niap niaps' o.....
i ate......
japanese pancake (choco)
takoyaki (bacon & cheese)
ice cream cone [ziyu bought for me ^^]
GOGO jumbo prata sausage (cheese)
soooo fullll o...... that i left the prata sausage til movie session. xP
the cute choco dipped ice cream. ^^
catched our movie @ 9.30pm.

FUNNY jack neo's comedy. xD
"hui ge" (辉哥) is cute and funny.
meaningful storyline.
wedding is a celebration. marriage is a skill. =)
glad that fiz & akid enjoyed the show. coz itz a non-english one u see.
for ziyu i dunno, i see her like sian sian going to sleep like that lol.
movie ended at 11.30pm.
we decided to catch the laaaast train from Somerset.
so while waiting, ziyu started snapping with her camera. ^-^
rain. rain. [akid said im fat in this pic T_T]
3 emo kias. (=.\\)
rain. fiz. akid.
akid extra yet funny lol!
zaru. fiz. kid.
rain & her shifu. taDa~
[ya ziyu said i looked as if im pregnant T_T nvm. i got the 'mother-look' eh? ^^]
a pose not seductive enough loL xP
rain *lost*. fiz *guiding*. akid *extra*.
eh akid u really dramatic laaa lmaO~
posing with the 'yellow arrows' on the floor.
i really cant stop laughin xD
ziyu set timer for this JUMP snap.
but failed. we jumped too early. lol!!
see fiz macam driving sia LOL!!
we had fun taking photos there =D
we were trying to think of new poses when ziyu just started recording us =.=
akid. and his =D face. lol....
i snapped them emo-ing. xP

our reflections in the train.

ziyu sleeping on my meaty & comfy shoulder ^^
got home 12.45am.
thanks fiz for walking me home. =)
2 wake up calls and i was still like ZZzzzz lol.
she asked if i wanna meet her at night and accompany her to Taka.
i said ok lo. since im free and my CNY's been quiet. lol.
then she mentioned about movies. so i suggested watching Love Matters!
i jio-ed fiz & akid along as that day i heard fiz saying he wanna watch that too.
i left home in the late afternoon with my parents.
in daddy's car.
went down to the temple at zion road.
greeted & shook hands saying "happy new year".
uncle jimmy, uncle ricky, louis, etc were all there.
NICK den suddenly came into my mind.
so i asked for his number from mummy then called him.
"Happy New Year! 身体健康!HUAT TUA ZAI AR!"
he was like LOL-ing away lol~
he guessed correctly who i am. not fun de =.=
i told him he OWE me one red packet.
he said okokok no problem!
muahahaha xP
i spotted louis' BIKE. SO CUTE LO!!!
itz actually a motor-bicycle. battery operated.
she let me tried it. i rode on it like..... 60cm, den stopped. LOL.
coz im wearing dress. =x
received red packets from louis & uncle uncles there.
slacked and chatted.
at about 6pm. i left the temple & parents.
took bus to tiong bahru. transfer to train, down to Orchard.
went shopping at Tangs Plaza and Far East Plaza.
still couldn't find the sandals i like.
but bought 2 scarfs! checkered pink. and emo black.
7+pm. fiz reached orchard but he couldnt find the way to where i was.
so i decided to meet him at orchard mrt there.
we den walked to Cineleisure.
ziyu had bought the movie tickets for us.
we met her there.
thanks for the treat girl ^^
then went to Takashimaya. she finally bought the stuffs she wants.
were hungry. and i've been targeting Takoyaki all the while. LOL =x
hmm. akid finally found his way to takashimaya.
we bought many 'niap niaps' o.....
i ate......
japanese pancake (choco)
takoyaki (bacon & cheese)
ice cream cone [ziyu bought for me ^^]
GOGO jumbo prata sausage (cheese)
soooo fullll o...... that i left the prata sausage til movie session. xP
catched our movie @ 9.30pm.

FUNNY jack neo's comedy. xD
"hui ge" (辉哥) is cute and funny.
meaningful storyline.
wedding is a celebration. marriage is a skill. =)
glad that fiz & akid enjoyed the show. coz itz a non-english one u see.
for ziyu i dunno, i see her like sian sian going to sleep like that lol.
movie ended at 11.30pm.
we decided to catch the laaaast train from Somerset.
so while waiting, ziyu started snapping with her camera. ^-^

rain. fiz. akid.
[ya ziyu said i looked as if im pregnant T_T nvm. i got the 'mother-look' eh? ^^]
eh akid u really dramatic laaa lmaO~
posing with the 'yellow arrows' on the floor.
ziyu set timer for this JUMP snap.
see fiz macam driving sia LOL!!
we had fun taking photos there =D
we were trying to think of new poses when ziyu just started recording us =.=
i snapped them emo-ing. xP
our reflections in the train.
got home 12.45am.
thanks fiz for walking me home. =)