yesterday, my 1st ever meeting with the guys on SERIOUS matter O_O lol.
[an anonymous CUTE friend of mine called me at 4pm & 5+pm to hurry me down for the meeting. so secretive... =.= die die dun wanna say WHO. lol]
met up fiz at 5.45pm. headed down to City Hall.
6.30pm. we arrived at city hall. went to Funan IT Mall to find the guys.
and there they are, jum & shahir (ya that cute boy lol) at the food court.
soon after, akid arrived.
absentee? jan. due to work ba.
after a short discussion & agreement we've decided our lan training schedule.
altho i'd go to malaysia every fortnight or 3 weeks.
but i'll try to avoid sundays lo. =)
next. we took train to Dhoby Ghaut. walked to e-games.
itz fun playing together, 5 in a row yo~ but refrain from ghost ghost yo~ lol.
couldnt use earpiece. abo cant hear their communications/commands.
and the environment there is noisy with all sorts of gaming sounds.
sorry ar fiz. cant hear u many times. next time SHOUT la. =x
we played for an hour plus only.
den went to buy ice cream!! =D
dunno why Parklane S.M's Mac has got pools of water on the floor de. =\
akid fiz & me ate Hot Fudge Sundae. =D long time never eat that leeee.
emo jum ate emo McFlurry.
we were all walking to DB mrt while enjoying our ice cream.
i tried to snap a pic of my lovely sundae while walking.
by the time i decided to stop and snap for a clear shot......
melt til like that liao. adoi~ =.="
know why my sundae taste better than yours?
because................. itz people blanja de. xD
thanks fiz ^^
hm. someone asked me the "FUNNIEST" question ever.
shahir: "hfz's block behind your block or in front?"
=.=" wadda JOKE.
rain: "i turn behind means behind my block. i face his block means in front"
LOL i think he LL. HAHA!
ya la how u expect me to answer such question T_T
bid goodbye to jum & shahir.
akid fiz & i took train back to yishun. ZZzzzzz..

yea thatz me trying to snap the reflection of us.
[im not being bad to mosaic the passengers' faces. but just that...
i dun wan any lawsuit against me for posting their pretty faces up here].
emo fiz & sleepy 'kid.
mp3 battery flat. *emo* back to yishun.
got home 10+pm or 11pm ba.
thanks fiz for walking me home. ^^
last night's my 1st time training cs online with all of them.
i was spectating their mixed match against public.
after that, training.
fiz taught me all the specific map areas in 4 different maps.
im trying my best to memorise them all. they're so new to me o.
at first when they command & test me,
all was like gogogo!, looking at me, waiting for me to lead the way.
but i stood there. LOST O_O lol my mind suddenly went blank. T_T
i will jiayou de ^^
i kena 10 mosquito bites while in-game at home sia~~~ =[
but i caught that bloody greedy mozzie. *smack* RIP. *evil look*
hmphx... woke up this morning.
the whole of my back is aching like hell.
just bcoz i thought i could be wonder woman. =(
hmphx... itz been a month since i last did my backbone acupuncture treatment.
im gonna go & get some needles poking in and out underneath my skin.
pain but shiok. in a way.. not enjoyable,
but the needle's pain overcomes the pain im having now. xD
[an anonymous CUTE friend of mine called me at 4pm & 5+pm to hurry me down for the meeting. so secretive... =.= die die dun wanna say WHO. lol]
met up fiz at 5.45pm. headed down to City Hall.
6.30pm. we arrived at city hall. went to Funan IT Mall to find the guys.
and there they are, jum & shahir (ya that cute boy lol) at the food court.
soon after, akid arrived.
absentee? jan. due to work ba.
after a short discussion & agreement we've decided our lan training schedule.
altho i'd go to malaysia every fortnight or 3 weeks.
but i'll try to avoid sundays lo. =)
next. we took train to Dhoby Ghaut. walked to e-games.
itz fun playing together, 5 in a row yo~ but refrain from ghost ghost yo~ lol.
couldnt use earpiece. abo cant hear their communications/commands.
and the environment there is noisy with all sorts of gaming sounds.
sorry ar fiz. cant hear u many times. next time SHOUT la. =x
we played for an hour plus only.
den went to buy ice cream!! =D
dunno why Parklane S.M's Mac has got pools of water on the floor de. =\
akid fiz & me ate Hot Fudge Sundae. =D long time never eat that leeee.
emo jum ate emo McFlurry.
we were all walking to DB mrt while enjoying our ice cream.
i tried to snap a pic of my lovely sundae while walking.
by the time i decided to stop and snap for a clear shot......
know why my sundae taste better than yours?
because................. itz people blanja de. xD
thanks fiz ^^
hm. someone asked me the "FUNNIEST" question ever.
shahir: "hfz's block behind your block or in front?"
=.=" wadda JOKE.
rain: "i turn behind means behind my block. i face his block means in front"
LOL i think he LL. HAHA!
ya la how u expect me to answer such question T_T
bid goodbye to jum & shahir.
akid fiz & i took train back to yishun. ZZzzzzz..
yea thatz me trying to snap the reflection of us.
[im not being bad to mosaic the passengers' faces. but just that...
i dun wan any lawsuit against me for posting their pretty faces up here].
mp3 battery flat. *emo* back to yishun.
got home 10+pm or 11pm ba.
thanks fiz for walking me home. ^^
last night's my 1st time training cs online with all of them.
i was spectating their mixed match against public.
after that, training.
fiz taught me all the specific map areas in 4 different maps.
im trying my best to memorise them all. they're so new to me o.
at first when they command & test me,
all was like gogogo!, looking at me, waiting for me to lead the way.
but i stood there. LOST O_O lol my mind suddenly went blank. T_T
i will jiayou de ^^
i kena 10 mosquito bites while in-game at home sia~~~ =[
but i caught that bloody greedy mozzie. *smack* RIP. *evil look*
hmphx... woke up this morning.
the whole of my back is aching like hell.
just bcoz i thought i could be wonder woman. =(
hmphx... itz been a month since i last did my backbone acupuncture treatment.
im gonna go & get some needles poking in and out underneath my skin.
pain but shiok. in a way.. not enjoyable,
but the needle's pain overcomes the pain im having now. xD