10am. met up fiz at our usual spot. emo-ed our way to Dhoby Ghaut.
Meet-Up Details
Venue: Starbucks @ The Cathay
Time: 11.00am.
Attendance: Akid, Hafiz, Jan, Jumali, Rain, Shahir.
me & fiz reached the meeting spot zhun zhun @ 11am lo.
kns. all those kept saying "dont be late don't be late" ones all late. LOL.
we emo-ed there while waiting for them.
jum & sha arrived about 16 minutes later.
jan was 20 minutes late.
the 5 of us walked to Parklane's McDonald's.
waited for akid there. he was the latest.
errr... who said that the latest one pay for all of our 1st hour gaming eh? LOL =x
k la joking. =)
this is our LAN training venue.
e-games @ parklane.
when we reached there...... still....
the guys slacking outside while waiting for e-games to open.
from left: fiz, sha, jan, jum, 'kid.
waited for a few minutes only. they're opened!
we trained our CS firepower. guarding. etc.
then they went for smoking break.
while fiz trained me. laughed alot sia. lol! knifed & naded each other.
but only for today ar. promised cannot anyhow knife de. ^^
they den jio-ed cs onliners for mixed match.
itz my 1st time lan matching together with my team against onliners.
was exciting & thrilling.
the guys being serious.
akid & fiz.
jan & sha.
didnt managed to snap jum tho. he sat in the far end.
nvm next time =) i snap u u dun scold me la..
i played the 1st & 3rd maps. de dust 2 & inferno.
during the inferno map, i got more serious sia.
somemore jan was standing behind me.
den whenever i killed someone he SHOUTED "NICE ONE RAIN!!"
wah i high sia loL! made me more excited, thrilled & nervous.
tho they're all very encouraging on the other hand. =)
half way through the 3rd match.
as usual, i started trembling le. my heart started to race so fast.
loL. gan jiong lo. but ok la. i had fun lanning with them =)
we lan-gamed from 12noon to about 5pm. makan time!
Long John Silver! [jan left].
jum camera shy. sha trying to be funny (lol) & 'kid emoing one corner with his cheesy fries & chips.
lol~! the cheese dun like akid. lol.
see his pants! xD
i ate 2pc chicken meal + crunchy shrimps. i like the salsa cheese.....
errrrr. my CUTE friend. wears a pair of super CUTE shoes.
lol wth. so striking seh.
who else but me.
chatting outside...........
Plaza Singapura.
finally a snap with jum looking into the cam. xP *dun scold me*

their shoes. ya i know i boliao =.=
goodbyes to jum & sha. they headed home.
left with me, fiz & akid.
akid been psycho-ing us to play L4D with him. he sooooo wanna play today.
so ok lo. we decided to head back to e-games. but full le.
i spotted this outside parklane shopping mall!
we jalan jalan all over inside parklane mall.
funny lo..... we acted like we're playing real life L4D mode. lol SOT de we.
in the end, decided to head to Chambers~
on our way back to yishun i slept in the train, tired ba.
bought ice blended chocolate oreo for fiz & myself.
took bus 171 to Chambers.
9pm. me, fiz & akid arrived at chambers.
'kid blur sotong de. been to chambers before as a member he oso dunno lol.
signing in.........
LOL!! notti us.
settled down in the vip room and started playing....
itz my 1st time playing Left 4 Dead in lan shop with friends.
and of coz, itz more fun then playing with just computers ba.
strengthen our bonding o. help to cover one another. etc.
at about 10pm ziyu came to join us.
lol she play so funny lo. she really blur de.
we all kena attacked by zombies she (as a survivor teammate) can stand in fronda u, stare at u up & down, either never help, or shoot u until u die. LOL!
but luckily later, she learnt fast enough to help one another le =)
Dead Harvest.
itz very fun actually.
in the beginning i screamed when the zombies grabbed me. *so scary*
but i got used to it soon after.
i cannot tahan this fiz,
kept doing the 'headbanging stunt' (using his character) in fronda me.
soooooo funny lo. crap one he. made me laughed til cant shoot.
abo, itz that we didnt shoot the zombie but kept shoving it until it dies. LOL.
Meet-Up Details
Venue: Starbucks @ The Cathay
Time: 11.00am.
Attendance: Akid, Hafiz, Jan, Jumali, Rain, Shahir.
me & fiz reached the meeting spot zhun zhun @ 11am lo.
kns. all those kept saying "dont be late don't be late" ones all late. LOL.
we emo-ed there while waiting for them.
jum & sha arrived about 16 minutes later.
jan was 20 minutes late.
the 5 of us walked to Parklane's McDonald's.
waited for akid there. he was the latest.
errr... who said that the latest one pay for all of our 1st hour gaming eh? LOL =x
k la joking. =)
this is our LAN training venue.
when we reached there...... still....
the guys slacking outside while waiting for e-games to open.
waited for a few minutes only. they're opened!
we trained our CS firepower. guarding. etc.
then they went for smoking break.
while fiz trained me. laughed alot sia. lol! knifed & naded each other.
but only for today ar. promised cannot anyhow knife de. ^^
they den jio-ed cs onliners for mixed match.
itz my 1st time lan matching together with my team against onliners.
was exciting & thrilling.
didnt managed to snap jum tho. he sat in the far end.
nvm next time =) i snap u u dun scold me la..
i played the 1st & 3rd maps. de dust 2 & inferno.
during the inferno map, i got more serious sia.
somemore jan was standing behind me.
den whenever i killed someone he SHOUTED "NICE ONE RAIN!!"
wah i high sia loL! made me more excited, thrilled & nervous.
tho they're all very encouraging on the other hand. =)
half way through the 3rd match.
as usual, i started trembling le. my heart started to race so fast.
loL. gan jiong lo. but ok la. i had fun lanning with them =)
we lan-gamed from 12noon to about 5pm. makan time!
Long John Silver! [jan left].
lol~! the cheese dun like akid. lol.
i ate 2pc chicken meal + crunchy shrimps. i like the salsa cheese.....
errrrr. my CUTE friend. wears a pair of super CUTE shoes.
finally a snap with jum looking into the cam. xP *dun scold me*
goodbyes to jum & sha. they headed home.
left with me, fiz & akid.
akid been psycho-ing us to play L4D with him. he sooooo wanna play today.
so ok lo. we decided to head back to e-games. but full le.
we jalan jalan all over inside parklane mall.
funny lo..... we acted like we're playing real life L4D mode. lol SOT de we.
in the end, decided to head to Chambers~
on our way back to yishun i slept in the train, tired ba.
bought ice blended chocolate oreo for fiz & myself.
took bus 171 to Chambers.
9pm. me, fiz & akid arrived at chambers.
'kid blur sotong de. been to chambers before as a member he oso dunno lol.
signing in.........
settled down in the vip room and started playing....
itz my 1st time playing Left 4 Dead in lan shop with friends.
and of coz, itz more fun then playing with just computers ba.
strengthen our bonding o. help to cover one another. etc.
at about 10pm ziyu came to join us.
lol she play so funny lo. she really blur de.
we all kena attacked by zombies she (as a survivor teammate) can stand in fronda u, stare at u up & down, either never help, or shoot u until u die. LOL!
but luckily later, she learnt fast enough to help one another le =)
itz very fun actually.
in the beginning i screamed when the zombies grabbed me. *so scary*
but i got used to it soon after.
i cannot tahan this fiz,
kept doing the 'headbanging stunt' (using his character) in fronda me.
soooooo funny lo. crap one he. made me laughed til cant shoot.
abo, itz that we didnt shoot the zombie but kept shoving it until it dies. LOL.
we completed 2 maps of 4 stages just now, in 3 hours.
fingers shoot shoot shoot til tired lo.
eyes oso tired coz focused too much on screen today.
ended L4D at about 12 midnight.
akid, fiz and me decided to WALK home from chong pang.
but overall, had FUN today.
i lan-gamed for 8 hours today siol.
hope u guys & ziyu had fun too.
i look forward in completing the other 2 Left 4 Dead maps! O_O
anyway. fiz. i got something to tell u.
itz so fun.................. tricking u. LOL!!!!! lalala~
i tricked u trice today. u tricked me twice. xP
fingers shoot shoot shoot til tired lo.
eyes oso tired coz focused too much on screen today.
ended L4D at about 12 midnight.
akid, fiz and me decided to WALK home from chong pang.
but overall, had FUN today.
i lan-gamed for 8 hours today siol.
hope u guys & ziyu had fun too.
i look forward in completing the other 2 Left 4 Dead maps! O_O
anyway. fiz. i got something to tell u.
itz so fun.................. tricking u. LOL!!!!! lalala~
i tricked u trice today. u tricked me twice. xP