~*Happy Birthday Polar!!!*~
actually i've bought you a prezzie like...... months ago. lol. will pass it to u when we meet again =)
my handphone was quiet through-out my sleep.
and i slept til 12+pm.
uncle cheong visited my house. so i got outta bed lo.
he's so good wor. helped mummy cook. wash dishes. etc. xD

at night. my eldest bro drove me to NorthPoint.
finally bought a 10-metres long network cable.
S$25.90. the cable is FLAT! =D
got home. connected it from my lappy to my modem router.
im feeling so happy now. 100mbps!!! omG!
no more wireless. no more lagging in-game! (i hope. lol)
9+pm honey came online to chat with me.
but sadly, i told him i gonna play mahjong & everyone's waiting for me.
i asked him to rest/sleep early & we'll chat tomoro. he said ok. =\
sorry honey..
played Mahjong with my eldest bro, mummy & grandpa.
1 whole set of game rounds, took us 2 and a half hour sia~
in the end, i lost S$15. xD nevermind. i lost happily ^^
coz i finally get to lay my hands on mahjong again lol.
12mn. actually they wanna continue 1 more set of rounds de.
but i told them i got "online meeting" with my team at 12.30am.
so we stopped and packed up.
hm. meeting... i expected some fun gathering online but.
it was nothing else but a shocking news.
i stared hard at the words for more than a minute. silence.....
i just..... got nothing to say in return. =(
liked i said.
i remembered Jan once told me something which made me feel happy.
"winning is secondary. most importantly, is our friendships"
i won't forget that.
but what i see now is an absolutely different thing.
disband, just becoz u dont see any commitment and effort put into team to aim for winning? in this sentence itself, it simply showed that joining competition and winning is much more important than.............. how we spent our lan training days together.
the fun we had?
the way we support one another even when we lost?
ALL..... nothing eh?
yea i know. i got no rights to say much. coz im the usual last fragger. =\
[sha. no more deal. u wont see me top fragging in this team anymore. lol joke.]
and jan.
i wasn't being rude by leaving the conversation like THAT and making u guys guilty or whatsoever. its disappointing and sad.
c'mon...... i asked.
so that's it? disband? no more lan gaming together or so? that's it?
jum replied steadily YES.
what else can i say?? =)
that's it.
afterall. thanks for the guiding on improving my cs skills.
actually i've bought you a prezzie like...... months ago. lol. will pass it to u when we meet again =)
my handphone was quiet through-out my sleep.
and i slept til 12+pm.
uncle cheong visited my house. so i got outta bed lo.
he's so good wor. helped mummy cook. wash dishes. etc. xD
at night. my eldest bro drove me to NorthPoint.
finally bought a 10-metres long network cable.
got home. connected it from my lappy to my modem router.
im feeling so happy now. 100mbps!!! omG!
no more wireless. no more lagging in-game! (i hope. lol)
9+pm honey came online to chat with me.
but sadly, i told him i gonna play mahjong & everyone's waiting for me.
i asked him to rest/sleep early & we'll chat tomoro. he said ok. =\
sorry honey..
played Mahjong with my eldest bro, mummy & grandpa.
1 whole set of game rounds, took us 2 and a half hour sia~
in the end, i lost S$15. xD nevermind. i lost happily ^^
coz i finally get to lay my hands on mahjong again lol.
12mn. actually they wanna continue 1 more set of rounds de.
but i told them i got "online meeting" with my team at 12.30am.
so we stopped and packed up.
hm. meeting... i expected some fun gathering online but.
it was nothing else but a shocking news.
i stared hard at the words for more than a minute. silence.....
i just..... got nothing to say in return. =(
liked i said.
i remembered Jan once told me something which made me feel happy.
"winning is secondary. most importantly, is our friendships"
i won't forget that.
but what i see now is an absolutely different thing.
disband, just becoz u dont see any commitment and effort put into team to aim for winning? in this sentence itself, it simply showed that joining competition and winning is much more important than.............. how we spent our lan training days together.
the fun we had?
the way we support one another even when we lost?
ALL..... nothing eh?
yea i know. i got no rights to say much. coz im the usual last fragger. =\
[sha. no more deal. u wont see me top fragging in this team anymore. lol joke.]
and jan.
i wasn't being rude by leaving the conversation like THAT and making u guys guilty or whatsoever. its disappointing and sad.
c'mon...... i asked.
so that's it? disband? no more lan gaming together or so? that's it?
jum replied steadily YES.
what else can i say?? =)
that's it.
afterall. thanks for the guiding on improving my cs skills.