today lunchtime, went to block 400+ shops.
bought many stuffs.
especially cup noodles. LOL
bought lunch for mummy & myself. went home makan.
admire those beautiful flowers & plants in the balcony.
my parents just bought them. for CNY. =)
papa chose PINK, coz i like. lol.

2 snaps before leaving home, back to work.

oh yea. i cut my nails today again.
because of cs gaming & the team. gonna cut.
now really short le.
no more pretty long nails for CNY.
anyway i wanted to paint my short nails black but, cny's comin'.
my parents gonna nag me like hell. black is a nono. lol.
i went back to work 2pm. my eldest bro said "can go home le".
he dismissed me. half day work today~ yay~
got home. slacked.
skyped with akid, jan, jum, and sha for the first time.
im a skype newbie!
i didnt know that if i wanna talk into the mic, i dont have to press anything.
and i was laughing listening to their craps,
den my dad came beside me and purposely SHOUTED jokingly.
saying i SOT liao. laugh & talk to my lappy. his daughter SIAO already.
he gonna bring me to the temple liao
yea he shouted so damn loud. i think jum they all stunned LOL!
they all "hello hello uncle" my dad oso cant hear la. i using earpiece lol.
had fun tho. i laughed like hell sia.
jan came up with new names for us.
jannatun, shatun, jumatun, akidtun, hafitun and rainatun.
TUNDERSTAND? LMAO~!!!!!!!!!!!!! =x LOL!!!
jan's been eating too much TUNa la. lol~~
i left home at 7pm.
reached Somerset 8pm. [overshot 1 station =.=]
huamin peers meet-out!
weihong & david reached at 6.30pm (on time) lo..
poor thing. waited for us all til so long.
[i was surprised only this few of us turned up. i thought lydia, may, linxin, and all gonna come too. but no wor. somemore lydia's dog went missing. luckily she found back later on.]
i walked to Cineleisure to look up for them.
they [at 4th floor] already spotted me when i juz entered cine.
they targeted me from 1st floor to 4th floor. see what i do all the way.
i see shoes, see rings all they also know sia!
i reached 4th floor i walked past them i also dunno LOL!
kookoo me =.=
rain: "u all can recognise me ar from 1st storey, so far??"
weihong: "of coz la, your SIZE."
IDIOT grrrrr LOL!!! T_T
weihong asked what we gonna have for dinner.
i just spluttered SEOUL GARDEN for fun nia.
and they said OK LO. wah so steady.
in taka's elevator. david & hong.
reached Seoul Garden 8.30pm.
still got queue sia.
besides seoul garden is this restaurant.
Imperial Treasure "Na Bei" Restaurant. LMAO!!
finally. settled down.
*happy* get to dine in at seoul garden!!! ^-^
the guys diggin in.
soon after, marcus arrived.
weihong sooooo busy cooking. lol.
1st take. david ignored me. kookoo~
his face LOL.
wow............... T_T
frankly, i think itz my 1st time, eating steamboat, people cooked for me most of the time wor. =D

david cooked egg for me.
weihong cooked chicken & prawns for me.
wah so good. i just eat eat lol.
david & weihong is Prawns kings.
me & marcus, the Meat king (& queen) xD
the coffee chicken not bad leh. dunno why they dun really like.
it was 9.20pm. when the waiter informed us that
the buffet counters gonna closed in 1omins.
i faster went to grab some ice cream!!!! no ice cream i sure emo.
choco chip, yam, mango, choco, minty.
oh man....... my favourite indulgence~~~

eat liao high. lol!
we ate til sooooooooo full o.
gabe & wilson arrived FINALLY =.= so late o.
gabe suggested watching movie.
so we headed to Cineleisure. to check out the movies available.
earliest is 11.40pm. Love Matters [i would love to watch but..... =.=]
david said count him out for the movie.
he's gonna head home for his beauty sleep.
so i also "Me too! i tomoro waking up early =\"
den weihong also "wah you 2 never watch ar. den i also go."
den we dunno which of us should go & tell gabe we're goin home. *scared*
what to do? "O ar beh ar som" lo.
hong ar. u see this dun scold me xP
actually david did signalled me to show ''black''.
ya so me & david kept showing black. black. black.
in the end, hong showed ''white''. he kena! LOL!!!!
could see gabe kinda disappointed. but hey, next time yea? =)
they all slacked/smoked outside Cine.
i blocking david totally. lol.
i looked ghostly i know =.=
david's $$ extra sia lol.
david's JET @SS. lol.
weihong. david. marcus.

take 1. marcus' face blocked.
take 2. marcus' face blocked. AIYO lol
take 3. finally. =)
david's before and after makan.
lol 2 months pregnant omg.
random snap.
anyway, walking in between wilson, david & marcus, makes me feels like.......
im a small small girl in a giant world. LOL. they so tall la.
makes me look shorter walking beside them HMPHX!
the guys.
us all.
gabe, wilson, marcus, david, weihong, rain.
boliao lol.
they pangseh david one side LOL.
waved goodbye to gabe, wilson & marcus.
the 3 of us den too train home. tired day.

see how tired david is. LOL.
thanks hong for carrying my mac & walking me to my block =)
anyway! tomoro onwards, no work lo. ONE WEEK OFF. til 30th Jan.
hm.... i'll be waking up in 3 hours time.
yet im here bloggin. with fiz's company. thankiex. lol.
bought many stuffs.
bought lunch for mummy & myself. went home makan.
admire those beautiful flowers & plants in the balcony.
my parents just bought them. for CNY. =)
papa chose PINK, coz i like. lol.
2 snaps before leaving home, back to work.
oh yea. i cut my nails today again.
because of cs gaming & the team. gonna cut.
now really short le.
no more pretty long nails for CNY.
anyway i wanted to paint my short nails black but, cny's comin'.
my parents gonna nag me like hell. black is a nono. lol.
i went back to work 2pm. my eldest bro said "can go home le".
he dismissed me. half day work today~ yay~
got home. slacked.
skyped with akid, jan, jum, and sha for the first time.
im a skype newbie!
i didnt know that if i wanna talk into the mic, i dont have to press anything.
and i was laughing listening to their craps,
den my dad came beside me and purposely SHOUTED jokingly.
saying i SOT liao. laugh & talk to my lappy. his daughter SIAO already.
he gonna bring me to the temple liao
yea he shouted so damn loud. i think jum they all stunned LOL!
they all "hello hello uncle" my dad oso cant hear la. i using earpiece lol.
had fun tho. i laughed like hell sia.
jan came up with new names for us.
jannatun, shatun, jumatun, akidtun, hafitun and rainatun.
TUNDERSTAND? LMAO~!!!!!!!!!!!!! =x LOL!!!
jan's been eating too much TUNa la. lol~~
i left home at 7pm.
reached Somerset 8pm. [overshot 1 station =.=]
huamin peers meet-out!
weihong & david reached at 6.30pm (on time) lo..
poor thing. waited for us all til so long.
[i was surprised only this few of us turned up. i thought lydia, may, linxin, and all gonna come too. but no wor. somemore lydia's dog went missing. luckily she found back later on.]
i walked to Cineleisure to look up for them.
they [at 4th floor] already spotted me when i juz entered cine.
they targeted me from 1st floor to 4th floor. see what i do all the way.
i see shoes, see rings all they also know sia!
i reached 4th floor i walked past them i also dunno LOL!
kookoo me =.=
rain: "u all can recognise me ar from 1st storey, so far??"
weihong: "of coz la, your SIZE."
IDIOT grrrrr LOL!!! T_T
weihong asked what we gonna have for dinner.
i just spluttered SEOUL GARDEN for fun nia.
and they said OK LO. wah so steady.
reached Seoul Garden 8.30pm.
besides seoul garden is this restaurant.
finally. settled down.
*happy* get to dine in at seoul garden!!! ^-^
soon after, marcus arrived.
1st take. david ignored me. kookoo~
frankly, i think itz my 1st time, eating steamboat, people cooked for me most of the time wor. =D
david cooked egg for me.
weihong cooked chicken & prawns for me.
wah so good. i just eat eat lol.
david & weihong is Prawns kings.
me & marcus, the Meat king (& queen) xD
the coffee chicken not bad leh. dunno why they dun really like.
it was 9.20pm. when the waiter informed us that
the buffet counters gonna closed in 1omins.
i faster went to grab some ice cream!!!! no ice cream i sure emo.
oh man....... my favourite indulgence~~~
we ate til sooooooooo full o.
gabe & wilson arrived FINALLY =.= so late o.
gabe suggested watching movie.
so we headed to Cineleisure. to check out the movies available.
earliest is 11.40pm. Love Matters [i would love to watch but..... =.=]
david said count him out for the movie.
he's gonna head home for his beauty sleep.
so i also "Me too! i tomoro waking up early =\"
den weihong also "wah you 2 never watch ar. den i also go."
den we dunno which of us should go & tell gabe we're goin home. *scared*
what to do? "O ar beh ar som" lo.
hong ar. u see this dun scold me xP
actually david did signalled me to show ''black''.
ya so me & david kept showing black. black. black.
in the end, hong showed ''white''. he kena! LOL!!!!
could see gabe kinda disappointed. but hey, next time yea? =)
they all slacked/smoked outside Cine.
i looked ghostly i know =.=
weihong. david. marcus.
david's before and after makan.
anyway, walking in between wilson, david & marcus, makes me feels like.......
im a small small girl in a giant world. LOL. they so tall la.
makes me look shorter walking beside them HMPHX!
gabe, wilson, marcus, david, weihong, rain.
waved goodbye to gabe, wilson & marcus.
the 3 of us den too train home. tired day.
thanks hong for carrying my mac & walking me to my block =)
anyway! tomoro onwards, no work lo. ONE WEEK OFF. til 30th Jan.
hm.... i'll be waking up in 3 hours time.
yet im here bloggin. with fiz's company. thankiex. lol.