hm. today. (7/10). bac to sha villa le. hm. mr. ithin on duty. den later is mr. richard. heng ar. lucky no rizal. can die. kena torture. keke. me partner wit ruslina. den morning shift got jerene & gabriel. so not tt lonely. den after a while jerene & gabe duty finish. went off le. hm. mel today do hskp. notti she. alwayz so playful. hm. den saw alfie bambang weisheng they all at cinamon room. chat awhile wit them. hm. mr richard got a new hp. sony ericsson k700i. da one i wanT!!! oh my god. feel like puttin it in my pocket and go home. lolx. itz nice. den he sent me some songz in da hp. lolx. tiz kinda supervisor oso got. keke. but he not bad la. everytime kajiao me. hm. not a bad day today. hope tomoro will be like tt too. tomoro oso 2-10pm shift. front office. ok. i stop here. c yA~
MISTRESS DISFIGURES HIS WIFE WITH HOT OIL, BUT HUSBAND SAYS: "My heart still goes out to my mistress" This headline on The New Paper caught my eye yesterday and after reading the article, i felt so damn pissed off about that husband (who dont even fit to be one)! Here's the shorter version: His wife, Madam Chan Hoong Choo, 41, is badly scalded by the hot oil poured on her by his mistress, but Mr Soo Kiong Sing, 46, says he is still caught between the two women and pities his mistress. On Tuesday, the mistress, Goh Gek Hwee, 36, was jailed 3.5 years and fined $4,500 for the attack on the morning of 18 Apr. At about 8.30am, she forced her way into the Soos' flat and tied both Madam Chan Hoong Choo (Mr Soo's wife) and his 16-year-old daughter up. Goh then heated some oil in a frying pan and poured the hot oil over Madam Chan's head and slowly down her body, then onto her legs. A district court heard that Madam Chan Hoong Choo suffered burns to her face, scalp, t...